Have you ever gotten one of those birthday cards that starts out with a lame, “I know I should have remembered but…” and basically goes on to say how they were so busy and just totally forgot about your birthday? Yep…hands raised all over the building.
Well, I did it.
And I really can’t believe I did it. Because in a way, it’s almost like my birthday: Brown Sugar Toast is officially 1 year old!
Yessirree, I started this little blog during the last days of January 2011. My first “real post” was on January 28. It was kind of like a “here’s what this blog is about” thing. (You can read it here.)
The first ever DIY project I posted was my Baby Gap knock-off necklace onesie.
And the first recipe I posted was for Southwest Tortilla Salad. Mmmm…we still eat this regularly. Although lately I’ve been adding grilled chicken to it. Faaaabulous.
So, a year of blogging. That’s 227 posts. 228 counting this one.
Would you like to know how many hours that represents?? {No. No. Let’s not think about that, Christa.}
I’ve gotta say – it’s been a lot. A lot of time, energy, determination, time, fun, discouragement, time…did I mention time? Yes – it’s been quite a ride this past year. And this is when I give a big shout out to….
See that guy on the right? Yep – that’s the love of my life.
He’s the one who encouraged me to start this blog. He’s also the one who has cheered me on and motivated me to keep going even when I got discouraged. And this past year, when my site subscription was coming to an end, and I was seriously considering canning the whole blog thing, he’s the one who inspired me to sign up for another year.
Without him, Brown Sugar Toast would be…
You knew it was coming, didn’t you? I can’t resist a good joke. Never mind that may not fall into the “good joke” category.
Thanks, honey, for all your affirmation and love. You are the best.
And thanks to YOU, my dear readers! Because without you I would be blogging to nobody but the moon. And my sweet Dad & Mom – who faithfully read my posts. Even the boring ones. (Well, actually, maybe they just skim those. Or just read the titles.)
Happy 1st Birthday, Brown Sugar Toast. Here’s to a great year…

15 responses to “Here’s to a Great Year”
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for faithfully writing!! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. I don’t comment often (bad me!) but I do read quite faithfully. π Thanks so much! And my hubby thanks you too because I still frequently use your pizza dough recipe which he absolutely loves! ;P
Congrats on one year in blog world!! =)
Thanks, dear Dad!
I’m so glad! That is one of our almost weekly meals! My hubby would be very happy if I made it weekly. I like to try to make it on Friday nights because they usually end up being our more “fun” nights so it’s nice to have a fun meal to go along with it. π
Thanks, Laine! So glad to have met you – both in the blogging world & in real life! π
Congrats!! How awesome! Yes, we still eat that salad about every 2 weeks! So yummy π
Thanks, Kelly! So glad you eat the salad and love it. π
Happy Birthday, Christa!
Blogging does take a lot of time (and heart). I know what you mean about being discouraged but I’m so thankful for Seth who encourages me and always remind me he’s my number 1 fan!
Hoooray for husbands!
You do a great job with your blog, Christa! π
Happy Birthday, Brown Sugar Toast!
Thank you for having the time to blog. I am relieved to know that my fellow “bloggers” would feel discouraged too (I thought it is just me). I think you inspire the most once you get to overcome your discouragements. Your site is a blessing, so keep it going! π
Happy Birthday! So glad you have stuck with it! It has been fun reading along, commiserating about blog stuff, and sharing ideas back and forth.
You really do a great job.
Here’s to many more years to come! π
Definitely. a BIG hooray for them!
So true, Cora. Goodness, you are an inspiration and encouragement to me. So sad I am going to be out of town next week and miss the ladies’ meeting!
Yes, I have definitely enjoyed it. You are a blessing to me!