Give Them Grace :: Winner Announced!

Announcing the winner of Give Them Grace

Hello comment number 5:

This “Joel” character happens to be my brother-in-law. He’s a good fellow. Mainly because he married my sister. {teehee} Congrats, Joel. Send me your address and I’ll have Crossway ship this book to ya.

By the way, you all are going to be here Monday, right? That’s when all this goodness starts:

I’m ready. {not}
I have posts written in advance. {not}
But most of all, I’m excited. {not}

Actually, I’m scared. I told my sister (Sarah – the one married to Joel) that I was hoping to write posts ahead of time because I’m sure I can’t come up with 1 blessing in disguise every single day. gahhhh! This further proves the point that I need to be doing this series.

Join me? Please?







5 responses to “Give Them Grace :: Winner Announced!”

  1. Christina Avatar

    I was just going to ask you if you had written 10 posts already. Ughhh… me either. I thought about it all summer and thought I could have 15 posts written ahead of time and just enjoy the month – NOT! Maybe I should be writing 31 days of learning not to procrastinate. But I would procrastinate in writing it and it probably wouldn’t get done 😉

  2. Christa Avatar

    lol! truly. hey, it will be an adventure and we’re in it together. 🙂

  3. Rebecca Goernandt Avatar
    Rebecca Goernandt

    YAY JOEL!!! I find out the giveaway from him, so I think that is quite just.

  4. Christa Avatar

    haha! I quite agree. 😀

  5. Joel Avatar

    Yes, it is quite just; quite just for me to win things.

    Thank you Christa for doing this fun giveaway, thank you Crossway for the book, and thank you random number generator for picking me!

    I’m looking forward to reading this!