Friday Faves {& linkup!}

Friday Faves

Happy Friday to you! The very first day of our Friday Fave link-up! I’m teaming up with Susanna of Revisionary Life to bring this link fun to you. You’ll find the link-up at the bottom of this post. {If you’re reading this via email, you can click here to see the links!}

I’m making these bird’s nest treats for an Easter Egg Hunt at my church tomorrow. I’m changing up the recipe a bit because I like to do risky things like that and maybe it’s sad that I consider changing up a recipe to = risk, but whatever. I’m sure it will be GOOD.


I made a couple of these pancake bunnies for my kids last week. It was all well and good until I dumped minced onion in the batter instead of cinnamon. I managed to fish most of the onions out, but unfortunately Jonathan & Anna Grace were the recipients of onion-pancake bites. Anna Grace said, “Mommy, that pancake tasted like a spicy chip!”
My poor family & my cooking skillz. At last they looked good, right?


If you’ve never read The Cross Centered Life, I recommend it to you – especially during this season of remembering Christ’s sacrifice & resurrection. I’ve read it a couple times over the last 8 years, but am reading it again with a group of ladies at church. Small book, but packed with truth.


Finally, I’ve been reading the Children’s Guide to Easter with my kids this week. It’s not really cool and flashy; it’s just a Scripture reading + picture. I like cool and flashy, but I also like this. I want my kids to be accustomed to listening to the Word “as-is.”

Happy Easter, my friends. Jesus has Risen!


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