Friday Faves

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Friday’s are by far my favorite day of the week because it usually means I get extra time with my guy. I know some people say you shouldn’t have favorite days of the week and should love every day equally, but…I just can’t help it. There are some weekends when we have extra stuff going on and I know I won’t see him a whole lot. And on those Fridays, I just try to plan fun stuff for the kids and I  – in order to take our minds off the depressing fact that Daddy is away. ha!

Anyway, I’ve been forcing myself not to read all the survey answers until they stop trickling in. If I haven’t heard from you yet, would you pretty please click here to take my 8 question survey? I would love to hear from YOU!

This past week, something life changing happened.

I learned how to make brown rice that actually has good texture.

For a while now, I’ve been grumbling to Jonathan about my lousy results in cooking brown rice. I figured it was me or my pot because I kept following the package directions exactly as they were written with the same gross turnout. We still ate it, but it was either mushy or burnt. Not worthy of company.

However, on Tuesday, I used this recipe for brown rice and BEHOLD. The results were wonderful! I will never cook brown rice according to package directions again.


This ‘big girl’ room reveal is bright & lovely. There are several pieces I want for my room.
I don’t know what that says about my style, but I’m okay with it.


Do you ever listen to things while you work? I totally do. It makes folding laundry bearable (and here are 5 other ways to make it fun) and almost makes me forget I’m working out. Except for the whole jumping and sweating thing. I’ve been listening through Jen Wilkin’s study on James and have learned a lot. She’s the author of Women of the Word (that I reviewed here), so the teaching is solid.


Why I Don’t Want More Kids // a thought-provoking read from a blogging friend


Apple Peanut Butter Delights // from the Pioneer Woman. I’ve never made any of her recipes I didn’t like. This looks like something my kids would love.


And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to take the survey & check out this amazing DIY course/e-book bundle if you haven’t already!

Here are a few of the ones available – you can see all the 76 courses/e-books here.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!



