Friday Faves

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friday faves

Happy Friday to you! Here are 5 notable things from this past week:

1> Well, you pretty much can’t top my 2nd blogiversary, now can you? I ate quite a lot of cookies in celebration. {Or maybe I would have eaten them anyway.}

Have you entered the $50 gift card giveaway for Shabby Apple? It’s as simple as a few clicks! And if you’re a male figure, you can totally enter and give the card to the female in your life. Or just mail it to me. Either is acceptable. Click here to enter!

happy 2nd bday

2> I absolutely love this Valentine’s idea via Emily at Jones Design Company. Write a little love note to your kids everyday sharing 1 thing you love about them! Emily even provides a free printable to pretty things up!


lovebanner from JDC

3> I came across some pretty great links this week and thought I’d share:

Victoria shares 10 beautiful Valentine’s wreaths. Check ’em out to get your creative juices flowing. {oh, and 1 of them looks somewhat familiar!}

You can make homemade bread in 5 minutes.

Why you should consider getting rid of Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and your scale. <—- excellent read

Funds running low? Here are 32+ date night ideas plus links to 350+ more!

4> I’ve had my eye on attending The Maker’s Summit for several months now. Ever since they announced it, really. I even sold some of my items to raise money for it. And Jonathan gave me the “go-ahead.” But I never registered because … well, I just never made up my mind.

So I was pretty bummed to see this notice when I checked the site this past Sunday:


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? SOLD OUT? No way!

I e-mailed the organizer and said something to the tune of, “I totally want to come. Please let me know if anyone cancels.”

On Tuesday, I got an email. They had 1 extra spot someone wasn’t going to use. Which took me to this lovely screen:

makers summit2

Awesomesauce! So, I’m headed to Greenville this weekend for The Maker’s Summit. Pretty excited. And scared. Let’s be honest. I will instagram some moments, so follow me {@BrownSugarToast} if you like crazy things like that as much as I do!

5> Last, but certainly not least…a new series!!! Starting this Monday and “airing” each Monday for the next 6 weeks:

fill up your freezer graphic

Join me Monday and I’ll share one of our fave freezer recipes. Happy weekend!








linking up with:
From My Grey Desk







6 responses to “Friday Faves”

  1. sarah grace Avatar

    what a fun surprise! i’m so excited that you get to go to that conference!

    happy friday! xo, sarah grace

  2. Laura Avatar

    Ooooh, I like the heart banner idea! Maybe I can tweak that and do it for hubby. And it just so happens that the 15th is the 5-year anniversary of when he asked me out for the first time. 😀

    And I’m totally interested in hearing about what you learn at The Maker’s Summit! Any chance you’ve got some spare time before you head back home? 🙂

  3. Christa Avatar

    thanks, Sarah Grace! I’m pretty excited about it! thanks for stopping by!!

  4. Christa Avatar

    that’s a great idea!!! and unfortunately, no, I don’t think I will have spare time. 🙁 I need to fit in a 4 mile run in Gville before heading back to Charlotte, and I’m hoping to get home in time to tell my babies goodnight! 😀

  5. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker Avatar

    so excited for you to go to the Maker’s Summit!! I hope you are having a wonderful time today!

    looking forward to your series too! 🙂

  6. Christa Avatar

    thanks, Christina!!