Fleece Flower Pillow

Happy Monday! Lately, I have been working on some craft-y projects for my friend’s baby shower…will share soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

But today, I want to show you a pillow I made for my little girl’s room. I’ve decorated her room in a pink & green color scheme with a flower theme. I had this grand idea to try to make a ย felt flower pillow for her. So I went to the fabric store and found this color fabric:

the cool thing – it was in the remnant section & only cost about $2 for a pretty big piece. I grabbed it, even though it was FLEECE and not FELT. no biggie, it still works. ๐Ÿ™‚

(Side note: growing up, I always despised fabric stores. I thought they were boring places where old ladies would stay for days on end and fritter all their time away. Would you believe this…the other day, I actually signed up for a preferred customer card??? Aughhhh – what am I coming to?!?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Years from now, if you see an old woman in a fabric store who is wandering around and feeling all the fabric, say hello to her. It might be me. If you’re feeling exceptionally nice, slip her a sugar-free cookie. End of side note.)

I have seen some super cute flower pillows floating around etsy and blogland, so I wanted to try to recreate something similar. Here’s what you need:

  • felt (or fleece ;))
  • thread (matching or contrasting – depending what look you’re going for)
  • the essentials: scissors, sewing machine (or a needle if you’re doing it by hand)
  • filler for your pillow

First, start out by deciding how big you want your pillow to be. I just took a pillow I liked the size of, measured it, and cut the pink fleece material to size.

Next, cut the flowers out of your extra fleece. My daughter has a flower comforter, so I used a similar shaped flower for her pillow. I copied the flowers on a piece of paper, then cut out several paper flowers.

Take your paper flowers and arrange them on the fabric in a way you like:

Then cut out your fleece flowers, pin them on the fleece, and begin sewing! I decided to use a contrasting yellow thread because my daughter’s comforter is yellow. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now you can start putting your pillow together! I’m sorry I don’t have pictures of this process…I was doing this before I thought to document every step! :/ But, it’s pretty simple – just sew your 2 sheets of fleece – 1 with flowers, the other plain – wrong sides together (flowers on the inside) and leave a couple inches un-sewn.

I may or may not have sewn the whole thing together…

then remembered I needed to stuff it…

then had to rip out a bunch of it…


maybe not…

I’ll let you decide ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now stuff the pillow (I used some old sweaters I was going to get rid of. haha ๐Ÿ™‚ but you can buy pillow stuffing – or take apart one of your kids’ old stuffed animals. I also considered that method.) And finally, hand sew your pillow shut. Now admire your results!

And here’s how it looks in her room:

Aaaaaand, here’s how it looks with my baby standing in front of it:

Yes. I think she’s adorable. And I think that is the best picture of the pillow too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, go make your own cute pillow!!!


I’m linking up to:
Making the World Cuter
Between Naps on the Porch
Sumo’s Sweet Stuff
Skip to My Lou





3 responses to “Fleece Flower Pillow”

  1. Kimberly Knudsen Avatar
    Kimberly Knudsen

    I love the pillow!!! Of course I may or may not be a little biased.:) hehe

  2. Christa Avatar

    bahaha! yes, Kim, I think you are a smidge biased. ๐Ÿ˜‰ come home soon so you can help me make some more crafts!

  3. […] fleece I used for the flower pillow I […]