Fear VS. Faith (AKA the heart struggle behind my book)

The following post was written to my Read. Think. Learn. subscribers in February. (Just another reason to join and get the inside scoop!)

I’m sharing it with you today because over the last months I have continued working and am now nearing the end of this project. I’ll share more specifics soon, but in case you aren’t one of my subscribers and never saw this update, I wanted to at least give you a heads-up about what’s been happening in my writing world over the last months.

I’m so grateful for your interest, support, and prayers and look forward to sharing more details with you soon!


“Sometimes our following of the Lord is so tentative…
but the Scripture makes plain in so many ways that
to fear is to lack faith. 

One of the surest evidences of implicit confidence in God
is that despite the initial anxieties that may erupt in our souls
when we hear the command of God,
we take hold of Who God is and what God said,

There’s a fearlessness to faith that glorifies God.”

– Mark Minnick // sermon: By Faith, Doing as Divinely Directed


Guys, I’m such a fearful person.
I’m afraid of not trying hard enough. I’m afraid of trying too hard.
I’m afraid I’ll follow the crowd. I’m afraid I’ll stand out.
I’m afraid my ideas are dumb. I’m afraid my ideas are unachievable.

I’m not gonna lie; there’s a knot in my stomach as I type these words and I feel a little bit like throwing up.

I listened to the sermon above last week and those words ricocheted in my heart for days. I often have the desire to “do anything for God!” But there are some things He calls me to do that I push away with one (or all) of the following excuses:

I’m not experienced.
There are thousands of people who can do it better.
It’s a dumb idea. People will think I’m dumb.
I’m self-promoting.
I have too much in my life already. I’d rather sleep.
Everyone does this. I don’t want to be one of the masses.

Last year, God gave me a heavy desire to write a collection of writings on a particular subject. I have used EVERY SINGLE ONE of these excuses over the past year. I’ve even asked God to take this desire away and give it to someone more qualified.

There were many instances of direct conviction, intense wrestling, straight-up laziness, and a whole lot of fear. I finally did what I should have done at the very beginning: I surrendered and let God have His good way.

I’m working on a collection of writings. A book.
I’ll share more details in the future. But for now, I wanted to give you an inside look at my struggles in the pre-write/mid-write process.

“Despite the initial anxieties that may erupt in our souls when we hear the command of God, we take hold of Who God is and what God said,


Is there something God has called you to do,
but you’re afraid?


Together, let’s take hold of who God is & what He’s said.
Let’s watch those fears flee as obeying God becomes bigger (and better) than any fear.





3 responses to “Fear VS. Faith (AKA the heart struggle behind my book)”

  1. Brenda Longfellow Avatar
    Brenda Longfellow

    I am very excited to see where this next chapter of your life is going as it is being led by God.
    I am happy you are finally settling into your new home.

  2. Christa Avatar

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, Brenda!

  3. Kathy Grubb Avatar
    Kathy Grubb

    “Together, let’s take hold of who God is & what He’s said.
    Let’s watch those fears flee as obeying God becomes bigger (and better) than any fear.”

    Wow! Who God is and what He’s said. That’s exactly what I need to filter my lack of trust in God on a particular matter through.