Favorite Outdoor Spaces

friday faves

I’ve been inspired by beautiful outdoor spaces lately. Perhaps its the warmer weather we’ve been having this week? Either way, these pictures make me want to go soak up the sun with a good book {or a long nap!} and an icy drink. Click on the pictures for the source or check out my Outdoor Spaces pinterest board!

How about an afternoon getaway in this space? The only thing I would change is to make the chair long enough for me to lay down in…and maybe a table for the drink so I don’t actually have to get out of my chair to sip. #firstworldproblems



Oooohhhh…this might be my favorite one. The lanterns, flowers, greenery, and a lovely pitcher of sweet tea {I think it’s peach tea} on the table. Perfection.


This would be a nice place for a romantic date with my hubby. I’ll bring the food.


I love everything about this picture. Except for the uncomfortable looking chairs. They’re gorgeous and all, but if I were you, I’d bring an inflatable cushion to sit on during this luncheon.

outside luncheon

Ah yes. You can invite me to a party like this:

outside party

Love this little secluded spot…



Ahem. One can dream, can’t they?


So, any big plans for the weekend?
I’m headed to a high school graduation service for some of the teens in our youth group. And tomorrow we have a couple grad parties to drop in on. Other than that, sleep and hang with the fam! Enjoy your weekend, friends!




