There are only a couple days left in this series, so today is a great day to share the key to building your marriage.
I already mentioned (in one of the very first days) that you cannot build your marriage if you don’t start on the foundation of Jesus Christ. With that in mind, though, I really believe this advice is the key to marriage-building:
“By God’s grace and mercy, we have absolute trust in each each other
with unconditional love.”
~ Ken & Diane, married 56 years
If you do not trust your spouse unconditionally, why even try to build your marriage?
Recently, I was writing an email when I saw an ad to the side. It said something like this:
“Scan your partner’s emails.
Catch him cheating!”
Wait, what? That is not the way to do marriage. A marriage that consists of partners “checking up” on each other to make sure they’re telling the truth is not marriage the way God intended.
“Let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” Ephesians 5:33
When (not if) questions arise, the way to deal with them is not by secretly checking through your spouse’s inbox, but by going to them directly, all the while believing the best.
That’s absolute trust.
That’s unconditional love.
Is your marriage characterized by these traits?
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