Day 15 :: Compromise Schompromise

Someone once told me, “Compromise is the dirtiest word in the English language.”

hmmmm…I thought about that one for a while. I came to the conclusion that it’s not whether you compromise, but in what issue do you compromise?

So, with that in mind, here’s some advice from Wayne:

“Marriage takes compromise –
trying not to have specific his/her chores, duties, responsibilities, expectations, etc.
We have joked with each other that there are VERY few male/female specific jobs in our family –
just whoever has the time and energy when something needs to get done – they’re it!”
~ from Wayne, married 23 years


We have found this true in our marriage as well. Sure – as a general rule I do the cooking & take care of the house and baby most of the time. But when we first got married and I was working, I remember feeling like a failure because my husband helped me clean the house. During those first few months, he was always telling me “This isn’t only your job. This is our house and you shouldn’t feel badly if I help clean it.”

Now that I’m able to stay at home with our daughter (and son as soon as he’s born!), I have more time to clean the house. But just like we talked about on Monday, the seasons of life are constantly changing. There are always areas where couples need to give and take. This is especially true when you’re newly married. Maybe your Dad always ___________ (washed the dishes, changed the oil, hung up pictures, etc.) but your husband doesn’t do that. That’s when you need to talk it out and figure it out.


Lovingly. 😉

“Let your speech always be gracious.”
Colossians 4:6



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2 responses to “Day 15 :: Compromise Schompromise”

  1. Malisa Avatar

    Great reminder, Christa. Marriage takes energy to ensure that it is healthy. Getting my own way might feel good, but it doesn’t help the team!

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