Category: Writing
Ghostwriters, Botox, & Glory
Some things are way less cool than they appear. But what they reveal about our hearts is worth considering.
Writing is Work
To create a work of art, great or small, is work, hard work, and work requires discipline and order. Walking on Water, by Madeleine L’Engle I used to think writing was fun and easy. A nice pastime or hobby. I had a romanticized view of myself sitting in a coffee shop, peacefully tapping away at a keyboard while…
How It Feels to Be an Author
Now that I have published a book, I want to let you know how it feels to be an author. Ever since Come to Jesus published, my life has been a dream. My dishes get done automatically, I don’t have to cook or create meal plans anymore, my children are obedient, respectful, and kind 100%…