Category: Uncategorized

  • Gifts I Received & Still Love

    Gifts I Received & Still Love

    Here are 11 Gifts I Received & Would Buy Again

  • Anything You Do Was God’s Idea First (& other truths I’ve learned about work)

    Anything You Do Was God’s Idea First (& other truths I’ve learned about work)

    If you are reading this right now, you have work to do. I’m not only talking about a paid job but any work you do—paid or unpaid, noticed or behind the scenes. I spend my days working on many things; most of my tasks do not result in a paycheck. Payment does not validate work;…

  • 3 Ways I Prepare My Heart for Easter

    3 Ways I Prepare My Heart for Easter

    Easter is my very favorite time of year. As I remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, I’m reminded that lasting hope only comes from Christ. There is so much rest in Him. There are three things I like to do every year to meditate more fully on Jesus and His sacrifice for…

  • 9 Perfect Gifts for Your Valentine {Spouse}

    9 Perfect Gifts for Your Valentine {Spouse}

    I told my husband I was writing a post about perfect gifts for your valentine. His response? “I better go read that post!” But no, actually. Because the items below are not things I want, but rather things we already own and greatly enjoy. These are tried and true favorites we use during home date nights, road…

  • Karis Faith // a natural birth story

    Tuesday, September 13 was my due date. The day came and went with little fanfare, although I did take my kiddos out for breakfast like I planned. On Wednesday morning, I got a call from my doctor’s office with an appointment for my scheduled induction the following week. My kids and I continued the morning with school like…

  • How to Read {when you don’t have time} :: 9 tips

    How to Read {when you don’t have time} :: 9 tips

    As I quoted from the book, Steal Like an Artist: “Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education.” I cannot agree more with that statement. Reading is not just a hobby for me. It is the main way I further my education.  Reading is the best way to learn for free.…

  • The Pastor’s Wife :: a book review

    The Pastor’s Wife :: a book review

    I recently finished reading The Pastor’s Wife: Strengthened by Grace for a Life of Love by Gloria Furman. This small book packs a punch of encouragement straight from God’s Word. Furman’s book is filled with Bible verses and Gospel exhortation in three main areas: Loving the Chief Shepherd Loving an Under-Shepherd Loving the Bride of Christ…

  • homemade bagels

    homemade bagels

    These homemade bagels put store bought ones to shame. Shame, I tell you. I really want to make some more. But seeing as I ate the majority of them last time, I keep resisting the urge. I’ll share the recipe with you on Wednesday. Until then…dream of carbs, my friends.

  • 10 Most Popular Posts of 2013

    Happy New Year!!! I am so excited to begin a fresh, new year and have a clean start for 2014. There’s just something wonderful about new beginnings, isn’t there? But before I talk about new beginnings, let’s talk about last year. In the interest of statistics, I thought it would be fun to see the…

  • A Fresh New Year

    Happy New Year to you!! We have been hanging out with my family in Richmond this past week. My sister and her family flew back from their trip in the Philippines and we have been spending time together this weekend. So…I’ll be back on Wednesday to share some of my goals for 2012. Hope you are having…

  • Lookie Here!

    My little man arrived on Saturday at 4:19pm. He weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 20″ long. I am in love… I hope to share his birth story and more pictures this week. Which, by the way, this week will be more of a “family week.” 🙂 This little Buster is the main thing…

  • 10 Years Ago Today

    In light of today being September 11, click on the link below to watch a moving video: In My Seat – May we never forget the lives lost and the families in grief.