Category: Tutorials

  • In Bloom

    In Bloom

    Hello! I hope you all had a refreshing weekend. My hubby was feeling sick this weekend, so we just hung around the house on Saturday. I was excited because I got to go through all my little girl’s clothes and switch out her spring/summer clothes for fall/winter ones. I tell ya, that’s a big job!…

  • Magnolia Wreath

    Magnolia Wreath

    I’ve been needing a wreath for my door ever since I moved…um…2 months ago? I had several qualifications: inexpensive (read: less than $5) seasonally appropriate (which is why I haven’t hung my Christmas wreath up…) pretty (basically just something I liked) I saw some really pretty lima bean wreaths around the ‘net, but when I…

  • I Did It.

    I Did It.

      Yessirree…I certainly did. Would you like to know what I did? We will play a game…I will show you part of it and you can guess what I did. ok? here you go: hmmm…do you know what that is? well, I got a little head start on my halloween costume. this is my mask.…

  • $3 Wall Art

    $3 Wall Art

    Greetings and Salutations. 🙂 So I was in Hobby Lobby last month (looking for pin backs or some such nonsense) and cut through the wall art section to get to the jewelry section when I saw this: Wow. Big. Cool. And one other word popped into my head when I saw the price tag. I…

  • Flower Rings 4 Grads

    Flower Rings 4 Grads

    Hello all! This past week was super busy for us – a lot of kids from our youth group graduated from high school this past Friday, so there was a lot of graduation festivity and fun the whole week. We had a fun time at their open houses! Speaking of open houses…I wanted to get…

  • Flowers for Easter

    Flowers for Easter

    Happy May! How insane that we are already in the month of May…soon school will be out and summer will be here! 🙂 I love dressing my family in spring colors on Easter. It’s such a happy day celebrating new life and I love to let it show in the colors we wear! I mentioned…

  • What to do with my Behemoth-sized Wall, Part 2

    What to do with my Behemoth-sized Wall, Part 2

    So, last Monday, I showed you a few ways you could make your empty wall beautiful by following several courses of action. I promised I would share my big fat fail of an attempt with you and how I got to plan B. It started out when I found a great online clearance for a…

  • Cupcake Decor

    Cupcake Decor

    If you follow me on twitter or facebook, you know that I was up to *HERE* with cupcakes 2 weeks ago. (by the way, does anyone really know where “here” is?) Anyway, I promised I would share pics. And so here is the promised post. First of all, my friend, Chrissy, and I were looking…