Category: Tutorials
A Furry Project
A while ago, I was scanning the remnant section at my local Hancock Fabrics and found something lovely: Rabbit fur!!! (rabbit not included) Everything in the remnant section is 75% off, so this 1/4 yard of fur turned out to be $1.25. I think I can handle that. As soon as I saw it, I had…
Happily Ever After DIY Canvas
It all started with this: See that large blank wall space above my bed? I wanted something to fill it. I have this cool candle-holder-wire-thing that I thought might be pretty, but since it’s my bedroom, I wanted it to be something more personal and romantic…not a boring old “something I could just buy in…
Guest Room Wall Art
Hello there and a happy Monday to you! Remember my guest room from many posts ago? The one I painted blue, sewed curtains for, and added my garden stool to? Yes. That one. It’s the only guest room in my house…so it’s pretty easy to keep track of which guest room I’m talking about. {teehee}…
Glass Cylinder Centerpiece – guest post from The Frugal Homemaker
Hi, I am Christina and I am excited to be guest posting for Christa today! I met Christa 8+ years ago when I was a newlywed and she was finishing up high school. We formed an instant friendship. Now she is married with 2 adorable little ones and even though we haven’t seen each other…
$1.62 Wall Art
Wow – it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything in the area of home decor! I definitely loved our time in the 31 Days of Building Your Marriage series, but it is kinda nice to get back in the swing of things. 🙂 I guess I’ve never shown you any pics of my…
Fall Tree Hair Clip
There I was, minding my own business, when the desire to make some sort of fall accessory fell upon me. Being the responsive person I am, I decided to give in. (It did help that my daughter was already in bed and my husband was outside changing the battery in our car. Thus, I was…
Toddler Ruffle Scarf
The other day I was in the fabric store looking for buttons for my hubby’s shirt. (I have learned that it’s much more exciting to work on a new project than to sew buttons on shirts. Guess how long it took me to figure that one out?) 😉 I stopped by the fabric remnants bin…
Little Bit o’ Happiness
This is a happy fabric, isn’t it? Bright & cheery! I found it in the fabric remnants section and it was definitely calling my name. I don’t know how else to explain it… 😉 I pondered what to do with the fabric…here I am pondering away: It was a labor and sweat-intensive ponder. 🙂 Enter…