Category: Building Your Marriage

  • Day 4 :: A Big Job

    Day 4 :: A Big Job

    Does the thought of building your marriage seem overwhelming? It should! Marriage is a big job! Here are two thoughts on marriage from a wife of 13 years: “Parenting is a big job. I need God!” I think you could say the same thing for marriage. It’s a big job and takes a lot of hard…

  • Day 3 :: Marriage Basics

    Day 3 :: Marriage Basics

    Before we begin talking about how to build our marriages, it would be helpful to discuss some basics. Without discussing the basic building blocks and foundation, there is no reason to talk about how to build our marriages. Though there are many principles we could discuss, I’ll mention only 2 in this post: 1. God…

  • Day 2 :: Building in Vain

    Day 2 :: Building in Vain

    A verse for you to meditate on this Sunday: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” ~ Psalm 127:1   It doesn’t matter how much effort you put into building your marriage… if the Lord is not the one behind…

  • Day 1 :: What to Expect from this Series

    Day 1 :: What to Expect from this Series

    Welcome to the first day of our 31 Days Series! Can you believe it is already October 1?!!?!? crazy! The title of this series is 31 Days of Building Your Marriage. Let’s take this first day to talk about what you can expect: 1. Advice from “Seasoned” Couples This is an important one. I’m going…

  • 31 Days Series

    31 Days Series

    Last month, Nester invited all bloggy people to join her in a “31 Days Series.” Scheduled to start in October, this series could focus on anything…from photography to holidays to imperfection. For a month now, I’ve been debating what topic to choose. I wanted to choose something broad enough where I could actually post for 31…