Category: Building Your Marriage

  • Day 12 :: The “D” Word

    Day 12 :: The “D” Word

    Do you have any “off-limits” words in your marriage? Check out what these 2 couples shared: “During the first few years of our marriage, we had to work through a LOT of misunderstands. When you’ve been single for seeming forever, and have always done everything your own way … you will definitely clash trying to…

  • Day 11 :: Who Comes First?

     “One thing that helps is to always put your spouse  before yourself.” ~ Gertrude, married 50 years   Who comes first in your marriage? Is it you – or your spouse? I think my natural inclination is to think that I put my husband first. But think about it this way… what have you done…

  • Day 10 :: Seasons of Life

    Day 10 :: Seasons of Life

    Marriage is not a relationship you can only work on during the “good seasons” of life. This relationship requires work during all seasons. How can you build your marriage during the painful seasons of life? “Over the years we have grown and life has brought us seasons of joy, sleep deprivation, easy living, and down…

  • Day 9 :: Built Up

    Day 9 :: Built Up

    A verse to mediate on: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” ~Ephesians 4:29 Does this verse describe your relationship with your spouse? Do you only speak to your spouse in a…

  • Day 8 :: Excellent Communication

    Day 8 :: Excellent Communication

    Need some marriage counseling? Dan & Sally offer some for free…watch this video to learn how you can have excellent communication just. like. them. (There’s a reason why it’s free…) 😉   Miss a 31 Days post? Click here to see a list of them all!  

  • Day 7 :: Good Medicine

    Day 7 :: Good Medicine

    When I asked married couples to share one thing that helped build their marriage, I referred to them as “seasoned” couples. I thought this was better than referring to them as “older.” 🙂 The first response I received listed the couple’s favorite seasonings (garlic & pepper) as the answer. 😉 Below is the “real” advice…

  • Day 6 :: Learning Contentment

    Continuing in our 31 Days of Building your Marriage series, here’s some wise advice from a wife of over 35 years: “The thing that comes to mind as the most significant factor in our marriage is the growth we have made in contentment. When we were first married I had great dreams and expectations and…

  • Day 5 :: Attention, Please!!

    Day 5 :: Attention, Please!!

    Have you ever been talking to someone and you can tell they have no interest in the conversation? Maybe they’re looking at you and nodding… giving you a glassy stare… constantly interrupting you… or maybe they keep looking away at someone else while you’re talking. No matter what they’re doing – you know you don’t…