Category: Building Your Marriage

  • 9 Perfect Gifts for Your Valentine {Spouse}

    9 Perfect Gifts for Your Valentine {Spouse}

    I told my husband I was writing a post about perfect gifts for your valentine. His response? “I better go read that post!” But no, actually. Because the items below are not things I want, but rather things we already own and greatly enjoy. These are tried and true favorites we use during home date nights, road…

  • 8 years of “I do” + 4 things I’ve learned

    8 years ago today – June 6 – marks a pivotal change in my life.  It’s the day I first kissed Jonathan. And it’s the day we committed to be faithful to each other until death. Just writing out that last sentence is scary to me. Not because I don’t love my husband, but because…

  • Intentional Marriage

    Intentional Marriage

    What’s the purpose behind marriage anyway? How does that purpose play out in day to day life? How do you resolve marriage conflicts? Are there topics that can just be off limits? Why is he so different from me? What about date nights? How do I even make time for that in my schedule? Or in…

  • my most favorite friday fave.

    my most favorite friday fave.

    Well, I’ve never done this before. But today’s Friday Fave is about a person. Because guys… this happened 7 years ago tomorrow (June 6). And look how we’ve grown! 3 babies later & here we are, still married and working at becoming best friends for life. I’ve learned something very important over the last year. Actually, I’m…

  • 9 Books to Build Your Marriage

    One of the best things I have done for my marriage is to read excellent books on the subject. Reading quality books on Christian topics is a way to be discipled by people you may never meet. You get to learn from their failures + successes and implement those lessons in your own marriage. With…

  • it all started with a fight

    it all started with a fight

    Last week, Jonathan & I celebrated our 6th anniversary. {I shared our meeting/dating story here if you missed it!} I mentioned on instagram that we were going to have a quick 19-hour-getaway to celebrate just the two of us. The day we left, I was scurrying around tying up loose ends and getting our kids…

  • say no to drugs {especially when getting engaged}

    say no to drugs {especially when getting engaged}

    how i met and married my guy // part 5

  • say yes to gilbert

    because this week is my sixth (!!!) wedding anniversary, I’m sharing the story of how I met & married my husband. //part 1 :: love at first . . . nevermind// //part 2 :: and so I asked him out// //part 3 :: sometimes love is just awkward// part 4: Have I mentioned I hate awkward…