Category: Dwelling Richly
Interview with Christine Hoover :: Dwelling Richly
Welcome to the 5th interview in our Dwelling Richly series! Today’s interview is with Christine Hoover, a pastor’s wife, mom to 3 boys, speaker, and author. I first “met” Christine via her blog and was especially blessed by this post for writers. I asked Christine to be a part of this series because her love for…
Interview with Gloria Furman :: Dwelling Richly
I first heard of Gloria Furman when I received a copy of her book, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full. God used that book to meet a deep need in my soul and I immediately bought a copy for 3 of my friends. Since that point, I have been encouraged many times through Gloria’s writings…
Interview with Denise Cunningham :: Dwelling Richly
Today’s interview is with a pastor’s wife + mother of 2 grown children + fellow chocolate hoarder + blogger. Denise Cunningham and her husband, Dale have been married for 33+ years and their love for God & each other is clearly evident. I’ve loved learning from Denise through her blog and trust you will be encouraged…
Interview with Claudia Barba :: Dwelling Richly
Today’s interview is with a speaker, author, encourager, and family friend. I suppose I first met Claudia Barba when I was a child, but was able to re-meet her a couple years ago when she and her husband Dave served at my church for several months. As the mother of 3 grown children, Claudia knows what it’s…
The 12 Questions for the Dwelling Richly Series
On Monday, I shared this introduction to the Dwelling Richly series. In the process, I mentioned that each participant was given a list of 12 questions focusing on their relationship with the Word. Some of you expressed an interest in reading all 12 questions, so I decided to share them today with hopes that they…
Interview with Jen Wilkin :: Dwelling Richly
In 2014, I received a book entitled Women of the Word. Although I grew up in a Christian home with parents who taught me how to read and study the Bible, the Lord used this book to open my eyes to a “whole book approach” in Bible study. This has not only changed my approach to studying…
Dwelling Richly Series
I am thoroughly delighted to finally introduce this series: The Dwelling Richly title is taken from this passage: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. My goal for this series is to…