Category: Dwelling Richly

  • Interview with Carolyn McCulley :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Carolyn McCulley :: Dwelling Richly

      Carolyn McCulley is an author, speaker, and filmmaker. She has written three books—The Measure of Success, Radical Womanhood, and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?— and contributed to the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible (this is the one I referenced in my list of  favorite Bible study resources!), Mom Enough: The Fearless Mother’s Heart and Hope, and Sex and the…

  • Interview with Kate Motaung :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Kate Motaung :: Dwelling Richly

    This is interview 18 in the Dwelling Richly series. Kate Motaung grew up on the shores of Lake Michigan before spending ten years in Cape Town, South Africa. She is married to a South African and together they have three children. Kate is the author of the e-book, Letters to Grief, hosts the Five Minute Friday blog…

  • When God’s Word & Real Life Collide

    When God’s Word & Real Life Collide

    What do you do when God’s Word and real life collide? Which one is loudest? Which one wins? If you saw this post on instagram, you probably noticed that there was a significant change going on in our family over the past couple weeks. I mean, other than the uncertainty of my pre-term labor. Twice a year,…

  • Interview with Christina Fox :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Christina Fox :: Dwelling Richly

    This is interview 17 in the Dwelling Richly series. Today’s interviewee, Christina Fox, is a wife, mother to 2 boys, writer, editor, and recently published author. Learn more about Christina – and where to find her – after the interview! I go through the Bible one book at a time, from Genesis to Revelation, as long as…

  • Interview with Vaneetha Rendall Risner :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Vaneetha Rendall Risner :: Dwelling Richly

        Vaneetha Rendall Risner is passionate about helping others find hope and joy in the midst of suffering. Her story includes contracting polio as a child, losing an infant son unexpectedly, developing post-polio syndrome, and going through an unwanted divorce, all of which have forced her to deal with issues of loss. She and…

  • Interview with Leslie Ludy :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Leslie Ludy :: Dwelling Richly

    Today’s guest is a wife, mother of six, and bestselling author. Leslie Ludy is the founder of Set Apart Girl and a widely known speaker. I’ve gotta say -the biggest thing that sticks out to me from the 2 previous sentences is “mother of six.” I loved reading Leslie’s words below – especially on cultivating…

  • Interview with Pat Berg :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Pat Berg :: Dwelling Richly

    In 2015, I had the privilege of hearing Pat Berg speak at a women’s retreat. The main thing that stood out to me from that weekend was how well the sessions were grounded in the Word of God. Based on that experience, I knew I wanted Pat to be a part of this Dwelling Richly…

  • Two Methods of Bible Study

    Two Methods of Bible Study

    During the last 2 Dwelling Richly interviews, both Kelly and Mardi Collier referred to doing either a “plow or trowel Bible study.” If any of you were confused by those terms, today should prove to be an enlightening experience for you. 🙂 As I mentioned before, Kelly provided so much helpful material during her interview…