Category: Drinks

  • Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate

    Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate

    O yes, I did. Several weeks ago, Jonathan and I were about to get in some Scrabble action. And I’m always a fan of having special food/drink during special events. Inspired by this pin {thanks, Amanda!}, I decided to whip up some hot chocolate. But not just any hot chocolate – toasted marshmallow hot chocolate. Here’s…

  • Refreshing Cold Drinks

    Refreshing Cold Drinks

    It’s getting hot. I mean, I realize I live in the South. And I also realize it’s only the end of May. But you know – I’m also pregnant. And that makes things a bit hotter. During every. single. one. of my pregnancies, I have craved icy cold drinks. They don’t need to be high…

  • Hot Cocoa {gift in a jar}

    Hot Cocoa {gift in a jar}

    Hope you have been enjoying the Handmade Christmas series! I am l.o.v.i.n.g. it!! Did you see Christina’s wreath yesterday? Seriously – it looks like it came straight from Ballard. But it only cost her a few bucks to make! Gotta love home decor like that, right? In my ideal world, December is cold. I don’t…

  • Smooooooth


    I’ve always been a fan of cold drinks. Ice cold chocolate milk Frozen lemonade Frappuccinos (usually mocha flavored) Milkshakes (chocolate malt? oh yes.) Pretty much everything in that list is high in calories and fat. Except possibly the frozen lemonade…depending how you make it. Well, one day smoothie were introduced into my life. Stopthebus…a frozen…

  • Ice, Cold & Refreshing…

    Ice, Cold & Refreshing…

    Hey y’all! Ever have  some of these lying around your kitchen? I do. A lot of times, in fact. I’m not a huge fan of bananas, so to just eat one by itself is a big deal for me. I have to be reallllly hungry in order for that to happen. 🙂 As a result,…

  • Pretty Punch

    Pretty Punch

    As a general rule, I’m not a fan of punch. You know, the bright red stuff you get in a clear plastic cup at weddings, grad parties, church fellowships, baby showers, etc? That stuff. (Which is precisely why I chose to ditch the fruity punch and go with coffee punch at my wedding. mmmmm :))…

  • Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

    Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

    So, yesterday it was nice and warm here. Like warm as in 84 degrees warm. And sunny. Perfect day to try a new hot chocolate recipe, right? 😉 Yes, I did. And no, I’m not ashamed. I was sitting in a cool house, trying to finish a book I didn’t really want to finish, and…