Category: relationships
Difficult Relationship? Write an Action Statement.
Have you ever struggled so much in a relationship that you felt like you didn’t know how to respond? Perhaps it’s a relationship with a close friend (or someone you thought was a friend), a spouse, or a fellow employer. Certainly, all of us have been in situations like this. In fact, any relationship is…
You Can’t Please Them. (& why you shouldn’t try)
This post is for anyone who feels both a desire to please others and a frustration when they can’t. On Saturday morning, I asked God to help me be consumed with pleasing Him instead of others. But then I thought, “Wait. That doesn’t sound right. Shouldn’t I want to please others?” Doesn’t it seem like…
Take Time to Build
This past weekend, my sisters and I took time to build our relationship with God and each other. It was refreshing, instructive, encouraging, hilarious, and convicting: all in less than two days. Before my sister, Sarah returned from the Philippines, we talked about attending a conference together. But as we looked at the conferences available…
Stop Looking for the Perfect Friend
“I think you have a skewed view of friendship.” These words came from my husband after I had just bemoaned to him for the umpteenth time about my friendship struggles. I received his words in the best possible way, of course, and replied, “You don’t understand. You’ve always had a lot of good friends.” I…