Category: Thoughts
valentine’s day thoughts + reads
Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year. And I, for one, am glad. I tend to over-complicate holidays. I build up expectations – whether it’s Christmas, my birthday, or Valentine’s Day – and then I try to compensate for my skyscraper expectations by telling myself it doesn’t matter what happens, it’s just another day, and blahblahblah.…
two. four. six.
We’re in birthday season over here. These cuties now claim title to the ages of 2, 4, and 6. My sweet Miles is 2 and we might be in denial. I vividly remember the feeling of complete joy when he finally emerged. He loves talking (possibly even more than his sister), eating chicken (good thing because…
3 things I learned from attending Allume
Last week, I packed my bags, kissed my husband & babies goodbye, and headed to my first ever blogging conference. I’m definitely still in processing mode over here. Attending multiple sessions + meeting lots of new people + getting minimal sleep will do that to you. But there are a few lessons that keep rising to…
6 TIPS :: taking meals to others
As a new mama, one of the very biggest blessings was when someone would contact me and say, “I’m making you a meal. When can I stop by?” First of all, let me just kiss your feet because food has always been one of my big stress points after having babies. YOU MEAN I’M SUPPOSED TO…
comparison, agitation, & peace
I spent the entire morning in a state of agitation. I wasn’t fully aware of it until I noticed how little patience I was evidencing during my daughter’s handwriting practice. time to step awaaay, Christa. From school, we plunged into some errands, which involved patrolling different sporting goods store in search of an elusive tire to fix…
an online shopping spree + thoughts on stuff
I received an extremely sad email this week from Twice, a favorite online consignment store. I mentioned them to you here when I dished out my secrets about getting awesome clothes for cheap prices. They’re merging with eBay or something like that (don’t ask me for technical details), but the end result is this: they’re shutting…
my greatest prayer for my children
Last week, I sat through my church’s communion service with my 3 year old on my lap and my 5 year old next to me. Throughout the service, there were prayers, songs, and Scripture readings. My attention was divided {obviously} between engaging my mind in the service and helping my children sit still. My mind began…
the evolution of freezer cooking with 3 preschoolers
Ah, the lovely idea of a freezer full of delicious meals. Yet the struggle of actually preparing those meals with a 1, 3 and 5 year old in tow is…well, daunting…to say the least. I embarked on a bit of freezer cooking recently. I shared this pic on facebook if you missed it. And because I found…