Category: Thoughts
When You Despise Your Season
SEASON: a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature Our seasons of life are constantly changing based on the personal, relational, spiritual and work-related details of our lives. Some days, I absolutely love my current season of life. Other times, it can feel like the longest season ever. I’ll venture to say – The longest…
My Evening Routine (& how to create your own)
Here’s how I came up with my evening routine + how you can make one of your own…
The Most Generous Thing God Can Do For You
Last week, my parents blessed me in a huge way. It was as if they sat back and thought, “What’s the most loving and generous thing we could do for Christa right now?” And then they did it. As that came into my mind, I thought, “What if God always did the most loving and generous…
I Can’t Do It All.
In August, I took time to think through the fall season of life. (I wrote about several of the steps here.) One of the most helpful parts of this planning process was when I took time to list out the things that wouldn’t happen during the fall season of my life. Making that list was helpful…
due date thoughts
Tomorrow is my due date. 20 weeks ago, when my water broke, my prayer was that I would make it to 23 weeks of pregnancy – far enough along to be hospitalized and down the hall from a NICU to give my preemie girl as much of a chance at life as possible. And here I…
Reading the Bible in 90 Days :: pros & cons
3 months ago, I told you about a crazy goal I set out to complete before my 30th birthday – read the entire Bible in 90 days. I am incredibly happy to report back that I did, indeed, complete this goal the very day before I turned 30. Some of you mentioned an interest in starting this…
When God’s Word & Real Life Collide
What do you do when God’s Word and real life collide? Which one is loudest? Which one wins? If you saw this post on instagram, you probably noticed that there was a significant change going on in our family over the past couple weeks. I mean, other than the uncertainty of my pre-term labor. Twice a year,…
forgotten promises & a faithful God
“Hey Mom, remember when you said we could _______?” “Mama, remember last night you promised I could have _______?” Because I am human, my children have to frequently remind me of things – whether it’s the agenda for the day, a grocery item, or something I promised them. Sometimes I’m incredibly thankful for their reminders. Other…