Category: Thoughts

  • Worship at His Feet

    Worship at His Feet

    Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook!   Just want to share a song that has been one of my lifelines recently… And my very favorite part: Isn’t that what it all comes down to? You come to the end of a situation…

  • The One Item Every Kitchen Should Own

    The One Item Every Kitchen Should Own

    Would you like to hear a love story? Of course you would. Several months ago, Jonathan got me something for my birthday that changed my cooking world. Enter the best knife I’ve ever used: Yes, folks, although you might not realize it, you are looking at the greatest knife ever. If I could go back…

  • My Goals {2013 Edition}

    My Goals {2013 Edition}

    Happy New Year to you! I hope you have had a great first week of 2013. I mentioned on facebook that I was taking some time off last week from my normal posting. It’s always nice to take a break, isn’t it? We packed up the kiddos & headed to Virginia to visit my family…

  • Giving {thanks}

    Giving {thanks}

    Have you ever come across this verse & been stumped? “giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” {Ephesians 5:20} Oh, it’s easy to pull out that verse during happy times – a new baby, a wedding day, perhaps a financial blessing. But what about during trials – big…

  • You Need This

    You Need This

    Have you been to the mall lately? Or retail shopping? Last Saturday, I went to the mall with my family. I love showing my kiddos the big, beautiful Christmas tree in the center of the mall. And, of course, Santa is already there – even though the calendar has not yet been turned to “December.” Anna…

  • 31 Days of…

    31 Days of…

    Last year, I decided to do something crazy during the month of October. It was known as blogging-every-single-day. I called it 31 Days of Building Your Marriage. It turned out to be a great series that was both an encouragement and conviction. In fact, I’m re-posting it on my facebook page this month. This year, I…

  • Who Am I? :: Identity Crisis

    Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here? What makes me unique? These are questions everyone faces – they are often first faced during the teen years, but can present themselves again at different times through our lives – especially during crises. As a pastor’s wife, I find it easy to use…

  • overwhelmed

    It’s Sunday evening, 8:52 PM. The kids are in bed and my husband is out for the moment. Quiet times like these are rare for this momma and I’m using this one to think over the day: Mother’s Day. My4th one if you count the one when I was first pregnant. Mother’s Day never ceases…