Category: Thoughts
A Hero
Memorial Day. And I thought this a fitting quote to share: To all those who have given friends, family, loved ones, and heros for my freedom – thank you. We’ll be back on Wednesday with Step 3 in our Curb Appeal {on the cheap!} series. But today, give thanks for the many freedoms we…
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What’s My Niche?
Personal post alert. Don’t read if you find yourself allergic to such things. End of disclaimer. Yesterday, I read a beautifully written post by Mary Beth from Annapolis & Company entitled, “On Finding Your Niche…” It especially caught my attention because I’ve been wondering about this & talking with Jonathan about it for…oh…a while now.…
Dare to Compare {or not}
I’ll admit it – I’m a fan of Pinterest. I’ve gotten awesome recipes, decor ideas, and general inspiration from the site. If they close down or start charging $ to use their site, I will mourn (very briefly) the absence from my homemaking life. But there’s something with Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and really any social…
Ditch Your Goals
It’s the middle of April. How are you doing on the goals you set in January? Yikes. I really just went there. I am a firm believer in making goals. I’m also a big proponent of following through & reaching those goals. But sometimes you need to ditch your goals. Wisdom is not only in…
That’s My King
Do you know Him? If you can’t watch the video, click here.
Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?
Facebook is ruining your friendships. Or, at least, it could be. You say, “What? I have more friends now than I’ve ever had before!” Consider this: how many of them are truly your friends? Of course, we all have exceptions to the facebook friends thing. I would guess most of you have at least 1…
Looking for Fulfillment
Looking for fulfillment? There’s only one place to find it. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; … Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:2-6 Where are you looking for fulfillment?