Category: Thoughts

  • A Hero

    A Hero

    Memorial Day. And I thought this a fitting quote to share:   To all those who have given friends, family, loved ones, and heros for my freedom – thank you. We’ll be back on Wednesday with Step 3 in our Curb Appeal {on the cheap!} series. But today, give thanks for the many freedoms we…

  • thankful


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  • What’s My Niche?

    What’s My Niche?

    Personal post alert. Don’t read if you find yourself allergic to such things. End of disclaimer. Yesterday, I read a beautifully written post by Mary Beth from Annapolis & Company entitled, “On Finding Your Niche…” It especially caught my attention because I’ve been wondering about this & talking with Jonathan about it for…oh…a while now.…

  • Dare to Compare {or not}

    Dare to Compare {or not}

    I’ll admit it – I’m a fan of Pinterest. I’ve gotten awesome recipes, decor ideas, and general inspiration from the site. If they close down or start charging $ to use their site, I will mourn (very briefly) the absence from my homemaking life. But there’s something with Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and really any social…

  • Ditch Your Goals

    Ditch Your Goals

    It’s the middle of April. How are you doing on the goals you set in January? Yikes. I really just went there. I am a firm believer in making goals. I’m also a big proponent of following through & reaching those goals. But sometimes you need to ditch your goals.  Wisdom is not only in…

  • That’s My King

    Do you know Him? If you can’t watch the video, click here.          

  • Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?

    Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?

    Facebook is ruining your friendships. Or, at least, it could be. You say, “What? I have more friends now than I’ve ever had before!” Consider this: how many of them are truly your friends? Of course, we all have exceptions to the facebook friends thing. I would guess most of you have at least 1…

  • Looking for Fulfillment

    Looking for Fulfillment

    Looking for fulfillment? There’s only one place to find it. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; … Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:2-6 Where are you looking for fulfillment?