Category: Thoughts
Liberty through Limitations :: why I’m limiting my facebook time
When I posted my goals for January, I got several comments and questions about my facebook goal. The funny thing is – nobody asked my why I was limiting my facebook time to 15 minutes a day. They just asked me how. For the past few months, I’ve wanted to ‘cut back’ on my facebook time. There were…
Serve Jesus. Scrub your Toilet.
Recently I came across these verses: Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and…
Change Your Perspective
I have 3 kids. 4, 2, and 3 months. They have each gotten sick over the past 2 months. All at different times, of course. Flu, bronchiolitis, and RSV respectively. These things + the fact that my 3 month old still wakes up at night to eat and my 4 year old sometimes wakes up…
Thanksgiving Wishes
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. Here’s hoping your Thanksgiving is filled with all the things you love most! I am thankful for YOU!
thanks {giving}
Thanksgiving. And for the last month, my facebook feed has exploded with statuses about giving thanks. I like to take the weeks before thanksgiving and use it to reflect on the past year: blessings the Lord has given as well as hard times He’s helped me through. I like to list it all out. This…
the Trust Journal
Today marks an important day in my home: it’s the beginning of another semester of seminary for Jonathan. This semester, he’s taking 12 credits. Thankfully, he’s able to take all of them online, so there’s no traveling involved. After he finishes this semester, he will have enough credits to apply for a doctoral program. If…
You are the Light
Last week, I was shopping at Aldi in intensely h.o.t. weather. As I was sweatily putting groceries into my car, another vehicle parked right next to me. A lady jumped out of the passenger seat and came up to me. “Can I have your cart?” she asked, holding out 25 cents in exchange. “Oh, sure!”…
Hang On to This:
Ever gone through a trial? If there’s one thing that’s attacked during a trial, it’s your view of God. And most likely, the first thing to be questioned is His goodness. When you can’t understand why, just hang on to this truth: the Lord is good. Cling to it. Reject any other false thoughts that…