Category: Thoughts
31 Day Simplify Series :: no greatness {day 26}
just a simple graphic with a profound thought. happy Sunday, my friends. Did you miss a post from this series? Click here to see them all!
31 Day Simplify Series :: Inspire {day 25}
a few pictures to inspire your simple home
31 Day Simplify Series :: Limit {day 24}
Limit. It sounds so … limiting … doesn’t it? It’s not a very popular concept. Because when you limit yourself, you’re actually saying the dirty little “N-O” word to yourself. And that’s not something we’re keen on doing, is it? {“keen” is an excellent word, by the way} But without limits, you have excess. Which…
31 Day Simplify Series :: Filter {day 23}
Yesterday I gave you an assignment. Remember that? Now that you’ve picked out the 3 words to describe your home’s purpose {check here if you need some ideas}, let’s talk about why that’s important. Unless something has purpose, there are no boundaries. There are also no goals or filters. It’s a total free-for-all. And while…
31 Day Simplify Series :: Purpose {day 22}
What’s the purpose of your home? If you had to describe the the purpose of your home in 3 adjectives, what words would you use? Here’s a non-exhaustive list: welcoming happy homey comfortable elegant beautiful lively creative elaborate feminine masculine quirky immaculate sophisticated simple artsy organized friendly modern minimalist calm carefree There’s a plethora of other adjectives…
31 Day Simplify Series :: My Fave Recipe Sources {day 21}
This post is the most exciting to me. Because duh. Food. Do you love good food? Like tasty, healthy, comforting, spicy, sweet, crunchy, creamy, colorful … I think food is just one of the ways God shows His creativity and love for us. A while ago, I was sick and couldn’t taste anything. I kept…
31 Day Simplify Series :: Cook Once. Eat Twice. {day 20}
Freezer Cooking. Because it’s not worth doing the work twice.
31 Day Simplify Series :: the ultimate {day 19}
Clean + bright rooms. White space. Simple. Sophistication. It just goes together, doesn’t it? Happy Sunday, my friends. Did you miss a post from this series? Click here to see them all!