Category: Photography
Looking for Fulfillment
Looking for fulfillment? There’s only one place to find it. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; … Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:2-6 Where are you looking for fulfillment?
I’m Not Engaged {but I’m still in love}
5+ years ago, Jonathan asked me to marry him. I said “yes, please!” {or something like that} and the happy occasion took place several months later. Between that time, my family had some pictures taken. Jonathan was there and so we got some “couple shots” done at the same time. I found one of our…
My Men
Today I’m thankful for the role these guys play in my life. What are you thankful for today?
Guess What Came In the Mail???
Guess what came in the mail last week? I’ll give you a hint… Can you guess from that nice brown package (with my un-made bed as the background)? Here’s what’s inside: Yeaaaa for a new camera lens! We bought a Canon Rebel XS 2 years ago and it came with the 18-55 kit lens. It’s…
My Beautiful Sister
My beautiful sister is about to have a baby. Boy or Girl? First baby? Little brother will be welcomed home by 3 big sisters, all eager to play with him…and his new toys! Here are a few more shots from our day together. Sweet Caleb, you are going to be…
I’ve fallen off the P52 photo challenge boat. I thought about letting go and just drowning. Or maybe even swimming to see if I could find another boat. But then I decided to climb back aboard. Linking up at Kent Weakley’s place. If you like to take pics, you should come join me on the…
1 Month
Oh, the difference one month can make. or in this case…just a few weeks: and one with my little girl: What a blessing my two children are to me!
Mothers :: 20/52
This is the sight I woke up to on Mother’s Day: 3 roses for my 3 precious children. 2 here and 1 in heaven. Being a mother: one of the greatest privileges on earth. I’m so thankful for my sweet kids! My hubby also got me a necklace and earrings. He knows I love bright…