Category: Personal
Monthly Checkup
Does that post title strike fear into your heart? As if you are going in to see the doctor? Never fear – this is my check-up; not yours. Last month, I shared some of my goals for 2012. Today is a monthly check-up to see how things are going and make changes as needed. So,…
My Goals :: 2012 Edition
On Wednesday, I shared a few strategies for making awesome goals for yourself. Plus, I shared one of my physical goals for 2012. Today, I will list out the rest of my goals for 2012. (Well, at least I’ll share some of them. There are some I’ve deemed “too personal to publish on the…
Merry Christmas!!
Trust you will have a special Christmas season and make precious memories with those you love! Merry Christmas from my home to yours!
Fill Me Up
This is such a busy time of year. I LOVE the Christmas season and all the extra things that come along with it. Well, I love mostย of the extra things anyway. I could do without the long lines and traffic. ๐ During busy times like this, I have to take extra time to stop. I…
A few o’ my fave things…
So……….Nester is having a little linky love over at her place and the subject is favorite things under $30. Here are some of mine: Do ย you know what this lovely is? It’s a peppermint mocha frappuccino from good old fourbucks. I mean Starbucks. I love them. My fave is the mocha. It’s just a good…
Baby Love
Happy Black Friday to you! Do you do black Friday shopping? I do a little bit, but I’m not a “stand-in-line-at-2AM” kinda person. Especially now that I have a new little man who gets me up at 2AM anyway. ๐ Speaking of…I know you all want to see pictures of my sweet baby boy, right?…
Little Man’s Birth Story
First of all, I have to say that Friday was my little girl’s 2nd birthday!!! I cannot believe she is 2 already. I love that my kiddos are almost exactly 2 years apart. They will have to share birthday parties…one year can be a princess theme; the next year will be cowboys. ๐ kidding… ๐…
Our Life
Want to know what I’ve been doing lately? Spending time with my little ones. My little girl is having a hard time adjusting to Mommy (who is somewhat out of commission) and Daddy spending time with someone other than her. It’s a tough transition for all of us, but especially hard for a little one…