Category: Personal

  • Monthly Checkup

    Monthly Checkup

    Does that post title strike fear into your heart? As if you are going in to see the doctor? Never fear – this is my check-up; not yours. Last month, I shared some of my goals for 2012. Today is a monthly check-up to see how things are going and make changes as needed. So,…

  • My Goals :: 2012 Edition

    My Goals :: 2012 Edition

      On Wednesday, I shared a few strategies for making awesome goals for yourself. Plus, I shared one of my physical goals for 2012. Today, I will list out the rest of my goals for 2012. (Well, at least I’ll share some of them. There are some I’ve deemed “too personal to publish on the…

  • Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas!!

    Trust you will have a special Christmas season and make precious memories with those you love! Merry Christmas from my home to yours!

  • Fill Me Up

    Fill Me Up

    This is such a busy time of year. I LOVE the Christmas season and all the extra things that come along with it. Well, I love mostย of the extra things anyway. I could do without the long lines and traffic. ๐Ÿ™‚ During busy times like this, I have to take extra time to stop. I…

  • A few o’ my fave things…

    A few o’ my fave things…

    So……….Nester is having a little linky love over at her place and the subject is favorite things under $30. Here are some of mine: Do ย you know what this lovely is? It’s a peppermint mocha frappuccino from good old fourbucks. I mean Starbucks. I love them. My fave is the mocha. It’s just a good…

  • Baby Love

    Baby Love

    Happy Black Friday to you! Do you do black Friday shopping? I do a little bit, but I’m not a “stand-in-line-at-2AM” kinda person. Especially now that I have a new little man who gets me up at 2AM anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Speaking of…I know you all want to see pictures of my sweet baby boy, right?…

  • Little Man’s Birth Story

    Little Man’s Birth Story

    First of all, I have to say that Friday was my little girl’s 2nd birthday!!! I cannot believe she is 2 already. I love that my kiddos are almost exactly 2 years apart. They will have to share birthday parties…one year can be a princess theme; the next year will be cowboys. ๐Ÿ˜‰ kidding… ๐Ÿ™‚…

  • Our Life

    Our Life

    Want to know what I’ve been doing lately? Spending time with my little ones. My little girl is having a hard time adjusting to Mommy (who is somewhat out of commission) and Daddy spending time with someone other than her. It’s a tough transition for all of us, but especially hard for a little one…