Category: Family
A Hero
Thank you all for the kind words you shared at the passing of my sweet Pop. I was able to attend the funeral last week (& shared a picture on my facebook page). It was an emotional and yet beautiful day. I printed & framed the picture of Grammy & Pop holding hands and gave…
The Vow
My family traveled down to see my sweet grandpa (we call him Pop) on Monday. His health is failing quickly and we expect him to pass on to heaven soon. My Grammy is living and seems quite strong mentally. Pop cannot speak, but can still hear. I sang Amazing Grace to him and he squeezed…
Happier than Ever
A wedding day is the happiest day for any girl, right? 4 years ago today, I was getting ready to marry Jonathan. And I was happy. Very happy, in fact. But I had no idea how good things would get. To my sweetheart: I know you better… I respect you more… I love you deeper……
1 Month
Oh, the difference one month can make. or in this case…just a few weeks: and one with my little girl: What a blessing my two children are to me!
Easter Hoppenings
I hope you caught my pun in the title of this post. I love a good, corny pun. Here’s an update of our Easter weekend in pics. I love a good sugar cookie recipe. But sometimes you just need to start with a mix. True that. And you can’t have good sugar cookie fun without…
Hunger :: 12/52
So, my son has been eating a LOT lately. And he’s still been hungry. We started cereal last week. And now this is a common sight in our home: And this: And my favorite: He’s like, “Come on, Mom. Less camera; more food.” And then big sister decided to try it… She was so…
Cabin Fever :: 8/52
Cabin Fever…WHA???? We definitely do not have cabin fever here in North Carolina! We have been outside more this week than we have in a long time. On Thursday, the temperature got up to 75 degrees and we were soaking it up! But the theme for this week’s photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians is Cabin Fever. And…
Lessons From My Daughter
Much of my free time this past week was consumed with studying for a Sunday school lesson for my teen girls. One day, my little girl decided she wasn’t tired during naptime. I told her she could bring her books out and sit next to me while I studied. She did pretty well, but…