Category: Random
The Most Generous Thing God Can Do For You
Last week, my parents blessed me in a huge way. It was as if they sat back and thought, “What’s the most loving and generous thing we could do for Christa right now?” And then they did it. As that came into my mind, I thought, “What if God always did the most loving and generous…
I Can’t Do It All.
In August, I took time to think through the fall season of life. (I wrote about several of the steps here.) One of the most helpful parts of this planning process was when I took time to list out the things that wouldn’t happen during the fall season of my life. Making that list was helpful…
Our Annual Attempt at Family Pictures // 2016
For the past few years, I’ve attempted to take family pictures using our trusty camera + tripod combo. I use the word “attempt” because it truly is an attempt. Good thing I’m a big fan of lifestyle photography, because this is how the first 20 minutes went down… My boys were not all about getting…
due date thoughts
Tomorrow is my due date. 20 weeks ago, when my water broke, my prayer was that I would make it to 23 weeks of pregnancy – far enough along to be hospitalized and down the hall from a NICU to give my preemie girl as much of a chance at life as possible. And here I…
What I’m Using for Baby #4
I love seeing what others use and love – for themselves, their home, and family. This week, in honor of reaching 37 weeks pregnant with our little miracle baby, I thought I’d share 5 things I’m planning to use for baby #4. Make sure you stick around to the end – or just scroll to the bottom…
The Importance of Saying No to Good Things
Saying no isn’t really popular these days, is it? We’re so focused on all the things we want/need to say YES to; saying NO seems like a bit of a downer. In our society of “do all the things! be anything you want! put yourself out there and be brave!” saying no comes across as lame. Maybe even lazy.…
Pre-term Labor & Perspective
Pre-term labor has a way of changing your perspective. I can’t believe it’s August and I still have this baby girl inside me. The same baby girl who we thought was headed to Jesus 14 weeks ago when my water broke. The other day, a friend asked if I was counting down the days until…
4 Ways to Drink More Water
My husband tells me I drink a lot of water. After the new year rolled around and I began thinking through monthly goals, I decided to test his statement to see just how much water I drink in an average day. After I had downed a gallon no problemo before 9 PM, I concluded he was…