Category: Random
Parenting: What to Do When You Don’t Know the Answers
Parenting is full of questions and decisions. Your kids ask questions, you ask yourself questions, and sometimes situations present themselves where nobody is asking for answers (such as when two children are fighting), but they need intervention in the form of a wise parent. But what do you do when you don’t know the answers? Today’s…
3 Questions I Ask Before Pressing “Publish”
Today marks 7 years of blogging here at Brown Sugar Toast. 7 YEARS! In commemoration of this event, I’m going to share 3 questions I ask before pressing publish. I want you to know what my goals are for the writing in this space, rather than it seeming like a random assortment of posts. Whether I…
3 Questions For the New Year (+ my goals for 2018)
Towards the end of 2017, I sat down with a long list of questions to answer. I only ended up getting through 3 of them, but those few questions have been so helpful as I’ve thought about the year ahead. In case you enjoy thinking intentionally about the upcoming months, I thought I’d share these…
Chick-fil-a, Conversations, & Christ
Last Friday, my kids and I headed to Chick-fil-a to meet friends for lunch. While we were there, I saw the owner and introduced my kids to the man who had been my very first boss. He kindly offered to get ice cream for the kids. While he was gone, Nate looked up at me and…
3 Things I Learned During My Social Media Absence
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve taken an intentional break from social media. The reason I pulled away was two-fold: 1. I knew I loved it too much. 2. I recently read a book that suggested the two-week period. Today, I’ll share 3 things I learned during my social media absence:
Addicted to Social Media: a daily journal of my 2 week social media break
Two weeks ago, I deleted social media apps from my phone and banned myself from accessing them in any way over a period of 14 days. Because my purpose for this break was to develop my mind and heart, I decided to keep a daily journal specifically chronicling my struggles related to social media abstinence.…
Take Time to Build
This past weekend, my sisters and I took time to build our relationship with God and each other. It was refreshing, instructive, encouraging, hilarious, and convicting: all in less than two days. Before my sister, Sarah returned from the Philippines, we talked about attending a conference together. But as we looked at the conferences available…
Stop Looking for the Perfect Friend
“I think you have a skewed view of friendship.” These words came from my husband after I had just bemoaned to him for the umpteenth time about my friendship struggles. I received his words in the best possible way, of course, and replied, “You don’t understand. You’ve always had a lot of good friends.” I…