Category: Random
Friday Fail
Strange name for a title? I think not. Remember last week when I was cooking this thing? And I talked about how I was going to use the broth? Well, my friend has this recipe for yummy chicken and rice soup that I had grand plans to make. I worked on my chicken broth and…
Things I’m Loving
Hooray for Fridays! There’s something about a Friday that is just happy. 🙂 I’ve had a few beautiful things on my mind lately and thought I would share them with you. Nothing like some beautiful pictures to inspire you, right? Here’s what I have been loving lately… I have this necklace from Casamoda. It’s…
A New Goal
So, I know I don’t normally post on Tuesdays, but…I decided to let you in on a new goal I’ve made for myself. You know about new year’s resolutions. Well, this is a new partially-through-March resolution. For the next 30 days, I’ve committed to spend 20 minutes with a friend. Actually, she’s not much of…
Don’t Make Me Count to Three – Book 1
Remember my grand and glorious book list of 2011? Yes, well I’ve been chugging away at it. I’ll admit it now – I’m already behind. gaaaahhhhhh!!! But it’s okay. Because I’m making progress. And progress is better than nothing. Plus, if i had never made the goal, pretty sure I would not be working at…
Mommy-Daughter Date
I love my baby girl. She is quickly becoming a little girl, not a baby girl! I love spending time with her in the regular day-to-day things, but sometimes we just need to take a little time out for a Mommy/Daughter date. I know she’s only 15 months. But I also know that I will…
One Life
It is incredible the effect someone can have on you. Especially when that little person hasn’t even been born yet. 2 experiences from this year: 1) I became pregnant with my 2nd baby. 2) I learned what it’s like to go through a miscarriage. Below is a letter I wrote to my little one. It…
2011 Book List
I have a love/hate relationship with goals – especially goals for the new year. (otherwise known as New Year’s Resolutions? Yeah…those things.) I love making them and thinking about what I could accomplish in the new year. I hate hate hate it when I come to the end of the year and see goals I…