Category: Random
Prepping for Panama
Have I mentioned that I’m going to Panama this summer? I think I did – really briefly – when I talked about the boot camp my hubby and I went on in preparation for the trip. This week I’ve been starting to prepare for my missions trip to Panama. My hubby and I are taking…
Mother’s Day
Tomorrow, May 8, is Mother’s Day. There are many people who come to mind during this holiday: my dear Mom – the one who carried, birthed, nurtured, fed, trained, and still continues to love me. I love you, Mom. a friend – a mother at heart – but to this point has not been able…
Good News
Happy Monday to you!! We had a wonderful weekend – I hope you did too. (By the way, I have a craft to share with you…actually, two crafts. But my computer is on the fritz right now. Which means I am using my hubby’s computer. Which means he is not using it. So, even though…
Happy Easter!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Via UrbanChristianNews I worship a Savior Who can create life & completely conquer death. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Good Friday
Because of the nature of today and what it means to me as a Christian and follower of Jesus, I simply want to share one of my favorite texts with you, written by Chris Anderson. It speaks of my Jesus and the sacrifice we remember today: “His robes for mine: O wonderful exchange! Clothed…
Ideals VS. Reality
Yesterday was one of those days. You ever had one? I was supposed to meet a friend for a book study in the morning. I was definitely looking forward to an extended conversation with an adult. As it turned out, my little girl decided she wasn’t going to take a morning nap. No; instead she…
A New Venture
venture: an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky or dangerous one: a mountain-climbing venture. Well, considering the definition of the word, maybe “venture” is not quite the word I’m looking for. oh well. I will use it anyway. You see, my venture is really not risky or dangerous. It has nothing to do with mountain-climbing. The biggest thing it has going for…
Plan B
Hello there, friends! Well, I had great plans to try out a new burger recipe last night and share it today with a review. We’ve been having AWESOME weather lately, so I was excited to have our first “grill-out” of the season. However, my hubby started feeling sick and last night was feeling just awful…