Category: Random

  • “Don’t Let Go”

    “Don’t Let Go”

    This past weekend, my hubby and I took our senior high teens on a rafting trip in West Virginia. It was definitely a great time! (Well, actually, the river manager didn’t want me to go rafting since I’m 34 weeks pregnant. But I had a great time with the teens before and after the rafting…

  • Sweet Shot Tuesday

    Sweet Shot Tuesday

    It’s been a while since I’ve participated in Sweet Shot Tuesday over at Life withย My 3 Boybarians.ย So here’s my pic for this week. It’s a sneak preview of the recipe coming tomorrow:     Salivate, my friends. It’s worth salivating over. Recipe posting tomorrow…in time for dinner. ๐Ÿ™‚  

  • Awesome Idea

    Awesome Idea

    I think you know I’ve been working on photography – little by little. Usually I carry my camera around in this: You know, it gets the job done and it does it well. It keeps my camera equipment safe and that’s the most important thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah…but it would be nice to look…

  • Vaca Pics!

    Hey! I’m home, rested, and my house is a wreck. Seriously – my floor looks like it hasn’t been vacuumed for years. And we had last-minute-company over yesterday. That’s how things roll around here… ๐Ÿ™‚ We had an awesome time together in Hilton Head! Our fave part was just being together. Summers are so busy…

  • A Little Glimpse…

    A Little Glimpse…

    …into my life this week: soaking up time with my sweetheart, my baby girl, and the sun. Lovin’ it.

  • Encouragement


    Hello all! I am on vacation in Hilton Head (in case that wasn’t clear from all my freaking out facebook and twitter updates recently) ;), so this week’s posts will be much less normal than usual because I’m planning to spend most of my time with my family instead of on the computer blogging. See,…

  • False Advertising

    False Advertising

    That may sound like a strange title, but it’s true. You see, usually when I go yard-saling (is that even a word? probably not, because it’s underlined with a red squiggly line.), I just drive around looking for signs. I live near lots of different neighborhoods, so my method usually has pretty good results. This…

  • Date Night

    Date Night

    Warning: this is a picture-heavy post. Okay, I warned you. Also, all these pics were taken with my ipod, so they aren’t super fab. But I wanted to share anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚ For starters, my hubby announced that the “dress code” would be dressy casual. Usually, we both know where we’re going because we’ll go out…