Category: Random

  • Be Still :: 10/52

    Be Still :: 10/52

    Happy Monday to you! I’ve been a bit behind with my P52 (Project 52) challenge photos lately. (If you’re new around here, P52 is a yearlong challenge over at My 3 Boybarians. I’ve committed to taking 1 photo a week during 2012. Each week, we have a new theme.) Last week’s theme was “Be Still.”…

  • A Great Leap :: 9/52

    A Great Leap :: 9/52

    Having fun with a photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians. If you like to take pictures, you should come join. It really is a lot of fun! Last week’s theme was A Great Leap – in honor of leap day. I’m late to the par-tay because my computer breathed its last and I had to wait…

  • Cabin Fever :: 8/52

    Cabin Fever :: 8/52

    Cabin Fever…WHA???? We definitely do not have cabin fever here in North Carolina! We have been outside more this week than we have in a long time. On Thursday, the temperature got up to 75 degrees and we were soaking it up! But the theme for this week’s photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians is Cabin Fever. And…

  • True Love :: 7/52

    Yikes. I’m super duper late with my photo challenge pics. I took these pics last week. I promise. But last week was pretty busy and I just didn’t have time to edit and post them. Forgive me. Thanks. {assuming you did} Anyway, the theme for last week’s photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians was…

  • Lessons From My Daughter

    Lessons From My Daughter

      Much of my free time this past week was consumed with studying for a Sunday school lesson for my teen girls. One day, my little girl decided she wasn’t tired during naptime. I told her she could bring her books out and sit next to me while I studied. She did pretty well, but…

  • Drink Up :: 6/52

    Drink Up :: 6/52

    The theme for this week’s photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians is Drink Up. And my interpretation: This week, my family has been on vacation with my side of the family. We rented a big log house in Virginia and have been hanging out – going fishing, getting manicures, taking lots of family pictures, going…

  • Shadows :: 5/52

    Shadows :: 5/52

    The theme for this week’s photo challenge over at My 3 Boybarians is shadows. And my interpretation: This is a picture of me and my little girl. It represents shadows in 2 ways. The first is obvious: it is a picture of our shadows. The second: she is my little shadow. She repeats my words,…

  • Monthly Checkup

    Monthly Checkup

    Does that post title strike fear into your heart? As if you are going in to see the doctor? Never fear – this is my check-up; not yours. Last month, I shared some of my goals for 2012. Today is a monthly check-up to see how things are going and make changes as needed. So,…