Category: Random

  • Water


    I’ve fallen off the P52 photo challenge boat. I thought about letting go and just drowning. Or maybe even swimming to see if I could find another boat. But then I decided to climb back aboard. Linking up at Kent Weakley’s place. If you like to take pics, you should come join me on the…

  • Happier than Ever

    Happier than Ever

    A wedding day is the happiest day for any girl, right? 4 years ago today, I was getting ready to marry Jonathan. And I was happy. Very happy, in fact. But I had no idea how good things would get. To my sweetheart: I know you better… I respect you more… I love you deeper……

  • 1 Month

    1 Month

    Oh, the difference one month can make. or in this case…just a few weeks: and one with my little girl: What a blessing my two children are to me!  

  • Mothers :: 20/52

    Mothers :: 20/52

    This is the sight I woke up to on Mother’s Day: 3 roses for my 3 precious children. 2 here and 1 in heaven. Being a mother: one of the greatest privileges on earth. I’m so thankful for my sweet kids! My hubby also got me a necklace and earrings. He knows I love bright…

  • overwhelmed

    It’s Sunday evening, 8:52 PM. The kids are in bed and my husband is out for the moment. Quiet times like these are rare for this momma and I’m using this one to think over the day: Mother’s Day. My4th one if you count the one when I was first pregnant. Mother’s Day never ceases…

  • Still Life :: 19/52

    Still Life :: 19/52

    Can’t believe it’s week 19 of the 52 week photog challenge over at My 3 Boybarians. It’s crazy how fast we are coming to the middle of 2012! The theme this week is “Still Life.” My interpretation: It’s been rainy off and on this week. On Wednesday, I put the kids down for a nap…

  • Fiesta or Siesta :: 18/52

    Fiesta or Siesta :: 18/52

    I have been a bit absent from blog-land this week. I didn’t even post on Wednesday – I don’t know if that has ever happened since I’ve started blogging! Remember last week when I told you I had some sort of nasty sickness? Well, it never left. I thought it was on its way out, but…

  • Make a Miracle

    Make a Miracle

    “And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:13-14 I want to tell you about a little…