Category: Random

  • Why I Don’t Paint My Nails

    Why I Don’t Paint My Nails

    I know you all want to know why I don’t paint my fingernails, don’t you? I mean, it’s probably been in the back of your mind this whole time and you just can’t get up the nerve to ask. Well, here I am to solve your problem. Without you even needing to ask. I’m so…

  • A Hero

    A Hero

    Thank you all for the kind words you shared at the passing of my sweet Pop. I was able to attend the funeral last week (& shared a picture on my facebook page). It was an emotional and yet beautiful day. I printed & framed the picture of Grammy & Pop holding hands and gave…

  • The Vow

    The Vow

    My family traveled down to see my sweet grandpa (we call him Pop) on Monday. His health is failing quickly and we expect him to pass on to heaven soon. My Grammy is living and seems quite strong mentally. Pop cannot speak, but can still hear. I sang Amazing Grace to him and he squeezed…

  • San Diego :: Missions Trip Report

    San Diego :: Missions Trip Report

    What a great time we had in San Diego! Jonathan and I took a group of 12 teens from our church to San Diego from July 16-25. Our goal was to help Metro Baptist Church as they put on a free Fun Fest for the community. We also passed out 5,000 fliers in the area. Metro Baptist…

  • Who Am I? :: Identity Crisis

    Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here? What makes me unique? These are questions everyone faces – they are often first faced during the teen years, but can present themselves again at different times through our lives – especially during crises. As a pastor’s wife, I find it easy to use…

  • Live Now. Blog Later.

    Live Now. Blog Later.

    To say blogging is just writing is like saying cooking is just mac&cheese. It’s not. I mean, blogging is writing. And cooking is mac&cheese. But there’s so much more. Once you add picture taking and editing, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest – just to name a few), networking with other bloggers and potential…

  • Book Winners: Revealed

    Just found out the winners for my birthday giveaway! Woot! The winner of Don’t Make Me Count to Three is: Comment 32 – Laine And the 5 winners of Wise Words for Moms are: Comment 12 – Beka Comment 5 – Abby Comment 23 – Kelly Comment 34 – Shannon Comment 7 – Megan Congrats to you…

  • Oh, How I Love Gifts (CLOSED)

    Oh, How I Love Gifts (CLOSED)

    Oh yes, it’s true. Tomorrow is my birthday. And I now give you permission to sing me a small (or large) birthday song. I’ve been prepping Anna Grace for my upcoming birthday since last week. I have her practice singing “Happy Birthday” to me. She’s getting to be pretty good at it. And, about those…