Category: Random
Blogging: It’s Been Fun
You might be reading this expecting a delicious recipe or home decor tip. Maybe even an interesting post about facebook ruining your friendships. Sad to say – I don’t have anything like that today. In fact, today is somewhat of a sad day for me. I’ll start at the beginning: I’ve been blogging for 2…
Pretty Things
Just found out about a spiffy sale going on at Lisa Leonard today & tomorrow {3/29-3/30}. Enter code “EasterSale20” to get 20% off your purchase! I’ve been loving this necklace for several months now: {click on any picture to get to Lisa’s site} & this one’s pretty sweet too: But you don’t have to…
That’s My King
Do you know Him? If you can’t watch the video, click here.
Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?
Facebook is ruining your friendships. Or, at least, it could be. You say, “What? I have more friends now than I’ve ever had before!” Consider this: how many of them are truly your friends? Of course, we all have exceptions to the facebook friends thing. I would guess most of you have at least 1…
Looking for Fulfillment
Looking for fulfillment? There’s only one place to find it. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; … Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:2-6 Where are you looking for fulfillment?
A few happy things
Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! Hello! Just a few happy things I wanted to share with you: one: the winner of the Shabby Apple gift card was announced here! Woohoo for giveaways! two: someone recently told me they didn’t know what it…
Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! Mary Beth from Annapolis & Company nominated me for the Leibster Award, and I thought it would be great fun to play along! First off, I have to tell you 11 random facts about myself. Yikes. This…
Worship at His Feet
Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! Just want to share a song that has been one of my lifelines recently… And my very favorite part: Isn’t that what it all comes down to? You come to the end of a situation…