Category: Random

  • Blogging: It’s Been Fun

    Blogging: It’s Been Fun

    You might be reading this expecting a delicious recipe or home decor tip. Maybe even an interesting post about facebook ruining your friendships. Sad to say – I don’t have anything like that today. In fact, today is somewhat of a sad day for me. I’ll start at the beginning: I’ve been blogging for 2…

  • Pretty Things

    Pretty Things

    Just found out about a spiffy sale going on at Lisa Leonard today & tomorrow {3/29-3/30}. Enter code “EasterSale20” to get 20% off your purchase! I’ve been loving this necklace for several months now: {click on any picture to get to Lisa’s site}   & this one’s pretty sweet too:   But you don’t have to…

  • That’s My King

    Do you know Him? If you can’t watch the video, click here.          

  • Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?

    Is Facebook Ruining Your Friendships?

    Facebook is ruining your friendships. Or, at least, it could be. You say, “What? I have more friends now than I’ve ever had before!” Consider this: how many of them are truly your friends? Of course, we all have exceptions to the facebook friends thing. I would guess most of you have at least 1…

  • Looking for Fulfillment

    Looking for Fulfillment

    Looking for fulfillment? There’s only one place to find it. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; … Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:2-6 Where are you looking for fulfillment?        

  • A few happy things

    A few happy things

    Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! Hello! Just a few happy things I wanted to share with you: one: the winner of the Shabby Apple gift card was announced here! Woohoo for giveaways! two: someone recently told me they didn’t know what it…

  • Random-itis


    Welcome!  To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! Mary Beth from Annapolis & Company nominated me for the Leibster Award, and I thought it would be great fun to play along! First off, I have to tell you 11 random facts about myself. Yikes. This…

  • Worship at His Feet

    Worship at His Feet

    Welcome! To make sure you don’t miss anything, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook!   Just want to share a song that has been one of my lifelines recently… And my very favorite part: Isn’t that what it all comes down to? You come to the end of a situation…