Category: Random
September Happenings
I’ve finally conceded to the fact that this year is flying by. So there’s no need for me to freak out about it at the beginning of every monthly recap. Basically, I’m trying to contain myself for your reading pleasure. I can’t promise I will be quite as restrained next month. As always, just click…
links i love
These DIY Marble Coasters look pretty easy to make. And seeing as I don’t currently own coasters, I hear them calling my name. Maybe it’s the creeper tendency in me, but I enjoy reading about random people’s daily schedules. Young House Love dishes about theirs here. Believe it or not, this is the ceiling of…
links i love
A beautiful drop space created by Myra from My Blessed Life. Organization + Loveliness. Such a unique wedding guest book used by Emma from A Beautiful Mess. 20 random questions answered by Sherry from Young House Love. So fun! The photography in this post is absolutely stunning. And I quite agree with the sentiment. These cups…
Happy Labor Day!
I don’t know about you, but I’m taking today off & soakin’ up some time with these cuties. Happy Labor Day, friends!
August Happenings
Okay, friends – things are about to get serious. How is it possible that Sunday is the first day of September?! That’s ridiculous. Absolutely. But whatever – here we are and I’m not complaining. After all, when Sunday hits and people ask when my baby is due, I’ll finally be able to respond, “Next month!”…
Links I Love
Want to make your own 5-strand braided bracelet? Designo Form shows you how. I will now be on the lookout for some leathery string-type-stuff with which to make one of these lovelies. Love this round-up of 22 ways to dress up your walls from Tatertots & Jello. For all you Anthro knock-off fans, Inspiration &…
the Trust Journal
Today marks an important day in my home: it’s the beginning of another semester of seminary for Jonathan. This semester, he’s taking 12 credits. Thankfully, he’s able to take all of them online, so there’s no traveling involved. After he finishes this semester, he will have enough credits to apply for a doctoral program. If…
Links I Love
Yes, I realize this website is written in Polish. But the food photography is gorgeous. And I have a feeling the recipes are pretty delish as well. Emily from Jones Design Company has me wanting to paint with watercolor. I’ve added her recommended items to my wish list on amazon, so that’s a start, right?…