Category: Random
Hi. I Need You.
“How are you?” Fine. “Really?” She kept looking at me. I think it was because I was on the verge of tears. I decided she cared. So I told her what I was burdened about. And she listened. The whole conversation took approximately 2 1/2 minutes. But it made me think. Jesus tells us to…
thoughts + changes :: part 2
2 weeks ago, I decided to take a little break from writing. It was a good time to think, pray, talk, and write things that weren’t going to be shared with the world. The results of my time away are a couple changes for this site. Change #1: no more comments. I love comments. I…
the sweetest name
“Jesus – the name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease. ‘Tis music to the sinner’s ears, ’tis life and joy and peace.” What other name will give hope when you’re hopeless? What other name can bring peace to your storm? Jesus. Jesus. I know of no other. When sin leaves you hurting. Choices…
enjoy these years
Last week, my kids and I visited a sweet couple in our church. We filled the crockpot with chili, brought a bag of books, and a million other accessories such as sour cream + cheese, diapers + wipes, pants + underwear {for my potty-training 2 year old}, and the all important blankie for Miles. Say…
Needy: being in want. I’ve been feeling pretty needy lately. Not ‘needy’ in a financial or physical sense. I mean, I recognize I’m not the wealthiest person in the world and my body is falling apart. But lately, I’ve been noticing my needs in other areas. Especially spiritual areas. Like just this week, when I…
a little favor
just a little favor on this Friday, the 7th of March in the year 2014. I decided to enter this contest: There are some seriously projects and contestants over there. And I thought I might not even enter. But then I figured, “hey, it never hurts to try.” So I took the plunge and…
a few of my favorite things…
I love a good personal recommendation. Something with no strings attached. Things like, “I love this product and I’m selling it too!” always make me just a leeeetle skeptical, ya know what I mean? So, in honor of people who love personal recommendations, I thought I would share 5 of my favorite things with you…
March Goals 2014
I have a love/hate relationship with these monthly goal check-ups. I love them because they keep me accountable. I mean, if I’m gonna put my goals out there for you to read, I really don’t want to come back a month later and be like, “nope. didn’t do ’em. i’m a failure.” Here are my…