Category: Random
31 Day Simplify Series :: dump & go {day 17}
Dump and go. Sounds delicious, right? No. No, it doesn’t. But today’s meal tip is all about keeping things simple for dinner. Introducing: my friend, the humble slow cooker. Little did I know how much my slow cooker would be used and loved when I opened it at my bridal shower 6 1/2 years ago. All the…
31 Day Simplify Series :: 2 meals in 1 {day 16}
let’s just simplify lunch, shall we?
31 Day Simplify Series :: simple granola {day 15}
Yesterday I mentioned that we keep our breakfast options limited to 2 things: oatmeal & granola. Today, as promised, I’m going to share the granola recipe I use. A couple years ago, I shared this recipe with you for Chewy Granola. But then one day my husband broke the news to me: “I like crunchy…
31 Day Simplify Series :: limit your options {day 14}
I’m about to disclose some information to you which will probably put me in the Worst Mom Ever category in a lot of minds. But I’ve considered the risk and I think I’m okay with it. You ready for this? I only give my kids 2 options for breakfast. Shut the front door. I know.…
31 Day Simplify Series :: plan once. eat twice. {day 13}
Last month, I began feeling insanely overwhelmed. Part of that overwhelmed feeling was because I was coming off the summer. As a youth pastor’s family, our summers are in & out, so getting back to the routine of being home was … let’s just use the word ‘difficult.’ One of the biggest things I was…
31 Day Simplify Series :: details + shaping {day 12}
Sometimes there’s so much noise in our lives in the form of stuff that we forget what’s really important. We forget about eternity. Allow your priorities to be shaped by the One Who shaped this universe. The One Who shaped – and is shaping – you. Happy Sunday, my friends. Did you miss a…
31 Day Simplify Series :: make a station {day 11}
Sometimes it’s easier + lovelier if you put everything in one place. Take this picture for example: pinned here via Biblical Homemaking This is Mandy’s kitchen from her recently-moved-out-of home. With 5 kids, she does a lot of baking. And look how lovely everything looks since it’s all in one spot and in lovely, glass containers! And how…
31 Day Simplify Series :: the very best way to keep your home clean {day 10}
What if I told you that I had one tip that would guarantee to keep your home clean? via Would you want to hear it? Well, I do. It works for me and my friends. So I know it will work for you too. Wanna know what it is? Invite people to your home. That’s…