Category: Random

  • let’s review, shall we? :: february 2015

    let’s review, shall we? :: february 2015

    Happy almost-March! February has been a good, full month. I’m really working to enjoy the cold weather, even though a part of me can’t wait for WARM! But the whole snuggling under blankets, drinking hot tea (#6 is my fave!), and enjoying moments like this? Priceless. Let’s do a review from February, shall we? We…

  • 4 TIPS :: get awesome clothes at cheap prices

    4 TIPS :: get awesome clothes at cheap prices

    Several months ago, I wrote about my desire to have an intentional closet. One of the obvious keys to an intentional closet is getting rid of clothes that don’t fit and replacing them with pieces that fit well. This takes time and money. And usually a lot of time in the fitting room. With 3 kids. Awesome.…

  • ice. cold. and comparisons.

    ice. cold. and comparisons.

    Last week, I wished I had a snowsuit. Preferably fur-lined. And if it could somehow perform like a battery operated heated blanket? #AWESOME I’m not used to looking at the weather and seeing that it’s 8 DEGREES OUTSIDE. Let’s not even talk about the spasms that happen when I actually go outside. First, I’d have to actually…

  • Friday Faves

    Friday Faves

    Happy Friday to ya! This has been an odd week for us, filled with ice, scant amounts of snow, and sledding on cookie sheets. On an exciting note, I have in my possession this expedit shelf I told you about here. And on the very same day we brought it home, I sold the changing…

  • Love Means Sacrifice

    Love Means Sacrifice

    Last week, I diverged from my normal ‘2 choices for breakfast’ routine and made scones for breakfast. I love scones – despite the work they take to make. And I knew my kids would love them too. Except that halfway into breakfast when I felt like a parrot repeating, “Take a bite. Take a bite.…

  • Valentine Party Recap + recipe

    Valentine Party Recap + recipe

    Well, hey there! Happy Monday to ya! I mentioned Friday that I was hosting a Valentine’s Party for some of my teen girls, so I thought it would be fun to share a little picture recap with you. Here’s the whole area set up: And how about a closer look at those tissue pom poms?…

  • Friday Faves

    Friday Faves

    A few lovely links to peruse this weekend… I always find it interesting to read what’s new in home decor. this article of design trends for 2015 did not disappoint. This recipe has been pulled up on my phone for a week now. The weekend seems a good time to make them, don’t you think?…

  • 10 Questions for Moms :: my personal goals {part 2}

    10 Questions for Moms :: my personal goals {part 2}

    If you haven’t read my personal goals for questions 1-5 {and provided me with your electronic signature}, you can do that here. Or if you haven’t checked out the 10 Questions for Moms, click here. Otherwise, let’s get this show on the road. Here are my personal goals for questions 6-10: Am I intentionally discipling my…