Category: Random
our {picture heavy!} weekend
Hi there! How was your Easter weekend? I don’t know about y’all, but our weather here in the south was a-ma-zing. Rather windy + chilly on Saturday, but really amazing other than that! On Friday, it was so gorgeous outside that I decided to just eat in our front yard. About 15 minutes into preparing…
March 2015 :: CHECK!
Hey, guess what? March 2015 is history. Happy April 1st! Woot! April Fool’s Day…are you fooling anyone? I know I’ve tried to pull the wool over your eyes in the past, but this year, I just decided to be boring and do my March recap. I know, I know…I must be getting old or something.…
dwelling richly
On Monday, I shared my burden about the most important thing a mom {or anyone} can do. Those thoughts were taken from my meditations in Colossians 3 – specifically verse 16. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” Dwell richly. What does that even mean? I thought it might be helpful to dig a…
the most important thing a mom can do
As moms, there are a lot of demands on our time. And if you have small children like I do, then you have a lot of moments when the urgent overtakes the important. And sometimes there are two {or more!} urgent things happening at the same time. As in, dinner may be burning in the oven, but if…
why what you treasure has nothing to do with how much you spend
Treasure. It can equal riches, but it doesn’t have to. I can treasure expensive things. But I can also treasure things that are free. This truth hit me full force after I bought my $6 chair. One of my happy thoughts in buying the chair was that it was only $6 – less than a combo…
Friday Faves
Hey there! And Happy Friday to you! Here are 5 fun links for you to peruse over the weekend… I just got this app last weekend {free for android!} and am loving it! If you’re looking for help in memorizing God’s Word, definitely check out this app. Sarah from Thrift Decor Chick shared this post about the…
that time I almost died
“It will be fun,” they said. “You will love it,” they said. But I almost died. Really, truly died. This is the story of how something almost killed me. It’s also a story illustrating the importance of using correct names for things. FOR EXAMPLE: Something should never be called a ‘pal’ if it truly is…
Friday Faves
Hey there! Happy weekend!! How about some awesome links for your perusal? This cornbread is the best I’ve ever tried. I literally had a moment of silence when I tasted my first bite. With my eyes closed. And a few repeated mumblings that went something like, “mmm…best…mmm…moist…mmm…” Jonathan was confused. Needless to say, there were no guests…