Category: Random

  • coffee chat

    coffee chat

    photo credit I thoroughly enjoyed Emily’s coffee chat last week. So much so that I decided to have my own coffee chat with you. Let’s pretend we’re at a nice coffee shop. Or better yet, at my house and cozy with a blanket. Make that 2 blankets. Let’s not get weird and share a blanket.…

  • 3 things I learned from attending Allume

    3 things I learned from attending Allume

    Last week, I packed my bags, kissed my husband & babies goodbye, and headed to my first ever blogging conference. I’m definitely still in processing mode over here. Attending multiple sessions + meeting lots of new people + getting minimal sleep will do that to you. But there are a few lessons that keep rising to…

  • lately.  // fall 2015 //

    lately. // fall 2015 //

    Sometimes I have so many things I want to write about that don’t fit under any normal post. Now is one of those times. And so I present to you 8 things that have been occupying my brain space lately: // 1 // Jonathan and I are training for this half marathon. I had the bright…

  • 6 TIPS :: taking meals to others

    6 TIPS :: taking meals to others

    As a new mama, one of the very biggest blessings was when someone would contact me and say, “I’m making you a meal. When can I stop by?” First of all, let me just kiss your feet because food has always been one of my big stress points after having babies. YOU MEAN I’M SUPPOSED TO…

  • vacation 2015 {AKA picture dump}

    vacation 2015 {AKA picture dump}

    Last week, we vacated our place and exchanged it for the beach. It was completely due to the kindness of friends. And I kinda think God had something to do with it too. When we walked into our “home for the week” I kept pointing out special things to the kids: “See this awesome kitchen?…

  • the video interview :: a marriage project

    the video interview :: a marriage project

    Earlier this week, I posted a picture on facebook {see it here} with this caption: “Last night, Jonathan and I did our yearly interview with each other. Complete with cheesy grins & weirdo sunburn lines. One of our favorite traditions!” This is something we started last year {see that picture here!} and loved so much we…

  • comparison, agitation, & peace

    comparison, agitation, & peace

    I spent the entire morning in a state of agitation. I wasn’t fully aware of it until I noticed how little patience I was evidencing during my daughter’s handwriting practice. time to step awaaay, Christa. From school, we plunged into some errands, which involved patrolling different sporting goods store in search of an elusive tire to fix…

  • sometimes love looks like bacon :: a tale of 2 breakfasts

    sometimes love looks like bacon :: a tale of 2 breakfasts

    Last week, Anna Grace and I went on a little grocery shopping and ice cream run. If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw the behind-the-scenes picture of our excursion. We hit up Publix for some fresh herbs and peanut butter, then popped over to the frozen food section. You see, last week Jonathan came home…