Category: Random

  • / E N O U G H /  my rule for january 2016

    / E N O U G H / my rule for january 2016

    “You know what? I really love buying things. It makes me feel good. Powerful even,” I told Jonathan a couple weeks ago. “That’s concerning,” he said, as he gave me a somewhat suspicious look.  It was this conversation that sparked my rule for January. And when I say “rule” I mean that quite literally. Although…

  • 10 Most Popular Posts of 2015

    10 Most Popular Posts of 2015

    It’s that time again! Time for a brand new year to start rollin’ around! In the interest of curiosity, I checked back over my stats to see what the 10 Most Popular Posts of 2015 were here on ye ol’ blog. The winners may surprise you {as they did me}… #1 – Storage options {for kallax/expedit} a…

  • my untraditional + unexpected Christmas

    my untraditional + unexpected Christmas

    Just mention the word “Christmas” and you’re bound to conjure up a slew of thoughts + images in people’s minds. It’s like that for everyone. Whether the thoughts are positive or negative, people usually have plans and hopes related to the Christmas season. I’m no different. Sometimes you think and plan through all your holiday plans…

  • Our Christmas Picture 2015

    Our Christmas Picture 2015

    Right before Thanksgiving, we packed up our things and headed for the hills to take a family picture. Of course, that sounds more glamorous than it actually was. In reality, we were attempting to go to the end of a trail and set up our tripod to snap a few pics. But even though I…

  • every milestone = a miracle || the story of our PhD journey

    every milestone = a miracle || the story of our PhD journey

    Hey, guess what? As of today, my husband is halfway through the classes for his PhD program. The program is 3 years of classes + 1 year of dissertation writing. And today marks 1 1/2 years into the program. CUE THE CELEBRATION, PEOPLE. Because I realize that might not seem terribly impressive, but if you…

  • coffee chat #2

    coffee chat #2

    This week I met with a friend to talk about homeschooling. She was a great blessing to my heart and I came away much more excited about the possibilities and blessings of homeschooling. In addition, she gave me a box full of books, games, and manipulatives which made both me + my kids quite ecstatic. It was a shot…

  • My {very honest} review of StitchFix & a suggested alternative

    My {very honest} review of StitchFix & a suggested alternative

    Well, lookie there! This lovely StitchFix box was on my front porch Saturday when I came home from my half marathon. And even though I really wanted to rip open the box, I attempted to exercise restraint because I wanted to do a video of me opening it. That way, I figured you could share in…

  • two. four. six.

    two. four. six.

    We’re in birthday season over here. These cuties now claim title to the ages of 2, 4, and 6. My sweet Miles is 2 and we might be in denial. I vividly remember the feeling of complete joy when he finally emerged. He loves talking (possibly even more than his sister), eating chicken (good thing because…