Category: Random
Ghostwriters, Botox, & Glory
Some things are way less cool than they appear. But what they reveal about our hearts is worth considering.
Is God Calling Me to Obscurity or Influence?
As my Dad often said when I was growing up: “If you ask the wrong question, you’ll get the wrong answer.”
Use Discretion (& a bucket)
This is not a call to stop thinking. Call out evil when and where you must. But call out the good too.
You’ll Never Be Content Until…
If you can’t rejoice in your lot today, you won’t be able to rejoice in it tomorrow.
When a Pastor’s Wife Doesn’t Want to Go to Church
What happens when a pastor’s wife doesn’t want to go to church? What do I do when it’s me?
A Thank You to My Church Family
5 years into the New Hampshire life… my precious church deserves a thank you, and my faithful God deserves all the credit.
Weary One, Take Heart
The events in your life are for a glorious purpose: to make you holy like your Savior and beloved brother, Jesus.
Pain is Your Megaphone
Pain is not only God’s megaphone to us; it is our megaphone to the world.