Category: Family
I Have the Best Job
We’ve been celebrating a lot around here. Miles had his {literal} birthday, Nate turned 2 last week, and today is Anna Grace’s 4th birthday. Nate //our little dude. loves wrestling, blankies, wearing shoes, holding his brother’s hand, building towers, and being tickled. doesn’t have much use for raw spinach, talking, or being without Daddy. …
Making Meals After Baby {Pregnancy Series}
I know Friday was our last official day of the pregnancy series. But I thought it might be helpful if I shared a few things I’ve done to prepare for baby in the food arena. Consider it a “bonus” post. {ahem} One of the things that is hardest for me to get back to after…
Preparing for Baby {Pregnancy Series}
Today is the last day in our pregnancy series! I trust it has been an encouragement and help to you. Since this is our final day, we will discuss – How do I prepare? :: steps to prepare your body, mind, & heart for a new life. Physical Preparation If you’re like me, you probably have…
How to Talk to a Pregnant Woman {Pregnancy Series}
I hope you’ve been enjoying this series and have found at least 1 thing that’s been helpful! Today is a post for everyone, whether male, female, young, or old: How to Talk to a Pregnant Woman. I write this post with the very best intentions that it would be a help. A help for pregnant women…
Exercising During Pregnancy {Pregnancy Series}
After finding out you’re pregnant, one of the first questions you may have is “What can I do for exercise?” Exercising is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and exercising during pregnancy is just as important {if not more so!} Here are 3 tips to guide you as you decide what is best for…
What to Eat {Nutrition during Pregnancy}
Welcome back! On Wednesday, we talked about how your body communicates during pregnancy. Today’s topic is entitled What Do I Eat? and it deals all about nutrition during pregnancy. I’m not a dietitian {nor will I pretend to be one}, so I’m just going to give you some helpful dietary guidelines I work to follow during pregnancy:…
Your Body Communicates {Pregnancy Series}
Welcome to the first part of our pregnancy series! If you have recently discovered you are pregnant, congratulations! There is a little miracle inside your body & this is such a special time of life – both for you and the little life inside you. As I mentioned on Monday, we will be discussing 5…
I’m Prego! … now what? {Pregnancy Series}
I’m so excited to introduce a brand new series here at Brown Sugar Toast! Since I’m currently pregnant, I figured this was the best time as any to do a pregnancy series – right while everything is fresh in my mind! Clearly, I am not in the medical profession, so all of the things I…