Category: Children

  • It Only Gets Worse: Hope for Hopeless Times

    It Only Gets Worse: Hope for Hopeless Times

    Just wait—it only gets worse. It’s a statement I’ve heard many times. I first remember hearing it when I became engaged. Always spoken by an unhappily married person, the comment usually went something like this: “You’re happy now, but give it a year or two. It only gets worse.” The comment became much more frequent,…

  • Everybody Has Thoughts: lessons from my children

    Everybody Has Thoughts: lessons from my children

    She was an older woman. Not very friendly looking at first glance. I drill the “don’t talk to strangers” lesson into my children but have also told them that it’s fine to talk if Mommy is right there with them. So they talked with her. When they weren’t around, she commented, “I never knew I…

  • 10 Bible Resources My Kids Love

    10 Bible Resources My Kids Love

    As Christian parents, we want to teach our kids the Bible. And in our society, there is a wealth of information that makes this goal even more attainable! I am so thankful for people who use their knowledge and creativity to help me teach my kids about God’s Word. My goal in this post is…

  • Chick-fil-a, Conversations, & Christ

    Last Friday, my kids and I headed to Chick-fil-a to meet friends for lunch. While we were there, I saw the owner and introduced my kids to the man who had been my very first boss. He kindly offered to get ice cream for the kids. While he was gone, Nate looked up at me and…

  • Unplanned Teaching Moments

    Last week, a friend told Jonathan and I about a conversation he had with Nate, our 5 year old: “So Nate, what do you think about moving to Virginia?” “It’s good . . . and it’s sad. But it’s what God wants us to do.” Hearing of this conversation reminded me just how important it is…

  • What I’m Using for Baby #4

    What I’m Using for Baby #4

    I love seeing what others use and love – for themselves, their home, and family. This week, in honor of reaching 37 weeks pregnant with our little miracle baby, I thought I’d share 5 things I’m planning to use for baby #4. Make sure you stick around to the end – or just scroll to the bottom…

  • my greatest prayer for my children

    my greatest prayer for my children

    Last week, I sat through my church’s communion service with my 3 year old on my lap and my 5 year old next to me. Throughout the service, there were prayers, songs, and Scripture readings. My attention was divided {obviously} between engaging my mind in the service and helping my children sit still. My mind began…

  • a new tradition

    a new tradition

    I’m a big fan of meaningful traditions. But sometimes it’s hard to just ‘come up with’ a great tradition to start, right? Last year, we started using a new advent with our kids. We did it in the evenings before bed and everyone loved it. We’re definitely going to use it again. But I’m also going to try…