Category: Decor

  • This Old Box

    This Old Box

      See that mirror? It’s right above my kitchen sink. That means while I’m doing dishes, I get to look up and – “oh, hello there!” – see myself. Not real cool. See this box? I salvaged it on its’ way to the dumpster. How nice of me to adopt him into a loving home…

  • Fit to a “T”

    Fit to a “T”

    Remember last week when I revealed my Uno, Dos, Tres shelves? One of my goals for the shelving was to make it unique. I didn’t want to just put a bunch of pictures up there because I already have a bunch of pictures hanging on my gallery wall. (the one I’ve never shown you. whoops.)…

  • Uno, Dos, Tres

    Uno, Dos, Tres

    Remember the post where I shared the 2 Most Important Decorating Rules? If you don’t, you should go ahead and check it out. Some of the comments are gold. In that post, I showed you this shelf that currently resides in my living room: Well, folks, the time has arrived. I have finally added a…

  • Crafty Clean-up

    Welcome to our never-before-reveled family room: We never call this the family room. Instead, we refer to it as the Grapes of Wrath room. That’s because of the couch pictured to the right and the loveseat (that I sat on to take this pic). We are renting this house and this is the 1 room…

  • Decorating Your Home: 2 Rules You Cannot Break

    Decorating Your Home: 2 Rules You Cannot Break

    Ever seen one of those shows on TV where awesome design artists come into a house, discover what the homeowners want, and then transform the home in 24 hours? It’s cool, isn’t it? I love seeing the before & after pictures. I love watching the homeowners’ faces as they see their room transformed into something…

  • Sedum Rubrotinctum

    Sedum Rubrotinctum

    Last week, I took my kids to Lowe’s. I must start early if I want home improvement stores to be one of their favorite places on earth. We picked up a few of these guys: These are my first succulents ever! Can you believe it? After Nester and Sherry posted about their succulents, I began…

  • Easter Hoppenings

    Easter Hoppenings

    I hope you caught my pun in the title of this post. I love a good, corny pun. Here’s an update of our Easter weekend in pics. I love a good sugar cookie recipe. But sometimes you just need to start with a mix. True that. And you can’t have good sugar cookie fun without…

  • Meditating on the Gospel

    Meditating on the Gospel

    Today is Good Friday. While for some, that may just be a meaningless event pre-written on the calendar, it is much more to me. This weekend defines the existence of my entire life. For it is on Good Friday that I remember the truth of my total depravity: “And you were dead in the trespasses and…